Your younger than him (Luke)

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You and Luke were at the mall. Both of you were walking around and stopped at shops her and there. Everything went smoothly and you and him decided to go to the food court. You and him order some food and sat down at a table. Then you both began eating.

"This food tastes great." Luke said with a smile.

"I agree." You said with a smile. "I'm glad you took me to the mall."

"Anything for my love." He said. While you and Luke were eating, these two guys came up to you both. These guys looked as if they were in their early twenties.

"May I help you?" Luke asked. The guys glared at Luke, which got you nervous.

"May I help you , why are you out with a child?" One of the guys asked.

"Excuse me?" You asked/said.

"I don't see why you're with a minor, you're obviously older than her. Have you heard of date in your own age range." The other guy said.

"First off, I can date who I would like to. No matter how of old Y/N is, I still love her." Luke said. "If you have a problem with it then deal with it." It shocked you at how confident Luke was in defending you at that moment. He's usually shy, which catches you off guard as well as the guys. The guys glared at him and walked away.

"Wow Luke, I didn't know you had it in you." You said with a smile. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks babe, but they don't talk about how I should love you and get away with it." Luke said and held your hand.

"Aww babe, I love you." You said and held his hand.

"I love you too." Luke said, smiling at you.

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