He gets jealous (Calum)

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"Yes, I won!!" You cheered throwing the remote control on the ground.

"You cheated." Calum argued. "Do over!!!"

"No I won fair and square!!! I'm not about to play this stupid game of Mario Carts!"

"The game is not stupid y/n. Your a girl, your not suppose to win!!"

Your head snapped in his direction so hard your neck started to hurt.

"Whatever. When you learn to grow up, I'll be in my room." You yelled, storming into your shared bedroom.

You hate playing video games with Calum because he gets so competitive and whines like a baby every time you win. Like come on, it's just a game. He can't get everything he wants.

You turned on the Tv, putting it on a random show.

Seconds later there was a knock on the door.

"Have you grown up yet?" You yelled turning down the Tv to hear his reponse.

You heard a loud groan. "Yes" he said.

"I don't believe you."

He opened the door, sitting down on the edge of the bed. You sat up too, turning off the Tv.

"Do you have something to say?" You asked looking at your nails.

"I'm sorry."he mummbles.

"What was that?-"

"I'm sorry y/n!!" He said louder, scaring the crap out of you. "I'm sorry and I do need to grow up."

"Mhm is that all?"

"And I love you and I think your so cool and beautiful and nice, smart, and a better game player then me."

"Awee that's the nicest thing you said all day, I love you too."

"Let's kiss and make up."

And that's what you two did.

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