Your insecure because people bully you (Mikey)

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You walked into school and sighed. Honestly, you hated going to school so much. It was that you hated learning, which you had no problem with it. Also it wasn't that you didn't want to go to college, which you do. The problem is that you are bullied in school. Over time the bullying has caused you to become insecure. When any of your teachers wanted you to answer a question, you would be reluctant to. If you did answer it, a snicker from the class would come about. It didn't matter if you got the answer correct or not they just always found it funny. The bullying that you have been experiencing is not just verbal it's physical as well. Girls when put their hands on you and sometimes even guys. You were so vunerable and defenseless. You were late to class and didn't even care because it means that you have less of a chance of seeing your bullies. As you walking to your history class you saw Cara and her crew. The girls that have been bullying you endlessly. You knew you had to go to history class, yet you didn't want to deal with Cara and her crew. In a split second decision you decided to turn around and run. You knew that you were going to regret it because that meant Cara and her friends would just hurt you more. After a couple of minutes, you got pushed into a locker which left a dent in it. You winced a little in pain.

"Bitch, who do you think you are trying to escape from us?" Cara asked and then kicked you in the stomach. Then you cried out in pain. Why should you escape? You deserved to get bullied, right? Her friends just laughed as you began to get up. Cara then punched you in the face, which gave you a busted lip.

"She's so weak! She couldn't even RUN far enough to get out of this school." One of Cara's friend said.

"Yeah, this ugly ass bitch deserve the ass whooping she is about to get." Cara's other friend said. Then they all started to walk up towards you.

"No she doesn't. Stop what you girls are doing right now!" You heard someone say. At first you thought it was a teacher because of how Cara and her friends ran off. You looked up to see Michael Clifford. Honestly, you didn't know him very well, but his friends Luke, Calum and Ashton were talked about because they made a band. He intimidated you a bit because you think that he and his friends were just like the others. Michael walked towards you and helped you up.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Michael asked, you were shocked that he knew your name. Maybe who knew who you were because of the way people treated you.

"I'm okay, how do you know my name?" You asked.

"I heard a lot of stuff about you." Michael said, smiling.

"Of course, you think I'm some ugly, fat bitch that deserves what she gets. Right? Are you going to hit me too?" You asked and then Michael's eyes widen in shock.

"I would never do that to you. My friends told me how they didn't like you getting bullied and I didn't know who you were. Calum pointed me out to you and I was just amazed because you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I never had the courage to talk to you and I never saw you around after that, until today." Michael said, which made you smile.

"You really think that I'm beautiful? Is it a way to get in my pants? I don't care if you are Michael Clifford and you're not getting into my pa-" You said and he cut you off.

"Y/N, if I wanted to just get into your pants I would have told you. I actually like you. You are different then most of the girls here and I would like to take you to the nurse's office. Only if you want me to." He said, cautious of your answer. Then you blushed, and glad that he couldn't see it.

"You can take me to the nurse's office." You said with a smile. "Thank you so much for standing up for me."

"It's no problem Y/N." Michael said and then he grabbed your hand. Then you both walked to the nurse's office.

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