How you got his attention (Luke)

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You stood by the tree with your best friend Dezarae, watching the group of white boy's that's wasn't that far away from you and you couldn't help it.

"Y/n you do this everyday, and I'm tired of waisting our one hour lunch on these fools." Your friend whined pulling you away from the tree.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it. He's so mesmerizing." You said walking to the vending machine that the school had moved outside. "I wish I can stop but I can't."

"So which one do you have a crush on?" She asked as you slipped in 5 quarters in the machine for a pack of M&Ms. Dezarae leaned on the side of the machine, eyes surveying the school yard.

"The blonde one, his name is Luke."

"Theirs two of them."

You turned around seeing that there was another blonde, Michael. You pointed at Luke, and as you pointed you didn't realize that he noticed you pointing at him. You looked away, blushing in the inside.

"Have you ever talked to him?" You shook your head no , sitting down in the grass opening up your snack.

"No why?" You asked looking up to see Luke and his friends walking towards you girls.

"Because he's coming over here right now!" Your friend panicked yanking her purse open, spraying perfume all over you and trying to fix a piece of hair that was sticking out of your bun.

You coughed trying to get the smell of the perfume out of your nose.

"Are you okay?" A soft Australian accent asked you and you froze. You stared at him, mesmerized by his eyes.

"I think we should give them some privacy, good luck mate." Calum spoke, patting Luke on his shoulder before walking off and the others followed him even Dezarae!!

Once they left, it was an awkward silence. You never had ever talked to him so you don't know what to say. You had one class out of seven with him but in the class you couldn't talk or even dare to look at someone with out felling the class because the teachers talks so fast and teaches so fast that you have to keep up with her pace.

He sits down beside you, pulling his knees to his chest. You offered your candy and he gladly accepted it.

"M&Ms are my favorite, especially the chocolate ones." He smiled, Oh his dimpled smile.

"M&Ms are very good, especially the whites, their my favorite."

"There's vanilla flavored M&Ms?" He laughed.

You hid your face, embarrassed from what you said. Of Course there's no vanilla flavored M&Ms!

"Can I tell you something y/n?" He questions scooting closer to you. You were shocked. You couldn't believe he knew your name.

"Sure Luke.."

But before you could even hear his question you felt soft lips press against yours.

He kissed you.

"What was that for?" You asked trying to hide you smile.

"I like you y/n, I would have came along time ago to talk to you but I didn't have enough courage. I was a coward. I mean your one of the most beautiful girls at the school and I didn't want to get rejected because well i am a reject. I really like you and I understand if you don't-"

"I like you too Luke." You breath out smiling ears to ear. Luke turned red, he would have never thought a black girl would ever have a crush on him and you would have never thought a white boy would have a crush on you, especially Luke because he's not a reject. Every girl in this school likes him, and you felt very lucky that he even payed attention to you.

"My Mates and I are going to the Burger hangout if you and your friend..."


"If you and Dezarae would like to come?"

"We'll be there."

After you guys exchanged numbers and got to know each other for a bit, it was time to go back to class.

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