He stalks you and you know it (Luke)

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Luke's Point Of View

I sat outside Y/N'a house and watched her walk in there. I'm outside her house to well...stalk her. For a long time now I've been stalking her, basically everywhere she goes. When she goes to the mall, movies theaters, at her home, you name it, I follow her there. I fallen in love with her a long time ago, but sadly I'm too shy to tell her how I feel. Sometimes I don't see how I could deal with it when she has dated many guys. Yeah, my heart hurts knowing I'll never have a chance with Y/N, but hey, this is this the close I will get to her. Then I walked up to the window and saw Y/N in her living room in her pjs. She looks beautiful as always, which made me smile. After a little while it started to get boring until got up. Around this time Y/N loves to do yoga. Oh when she does yoga... It gets me every single time. The way she sticks her ass up in the air when she does the downward dog. It has me thinking of things that my mom would not be proud of. Not even one bit. Y/N then pulled out her yoga mat. What I've noticed was that yoga is a way for her to sleep or at least I think so. Y/N then took off her pajama bottoms, which I didn't expect at all. That's something she never does when she does yoga. She started doing yoga poses and soon got into the downward dog. Usually she doesn't get into the downward dog this soon, but oh well. She then held the position longer. "Fuck..." I mumbled as I got a hard-on. After the downward dog she then went into
the splits. I didn't even know she could do the splits. Then she stretched and she slowly got up. Y/N then bent over and touch her toes. "Oh my goodness." I said, louder then I wanted to. Then I watched Y/N put on her pants. I began to walk away, but Y/N was already outside.

"Luke, come here." Y/N said and then I turned around in shock. I can't believe she actually knows my name.

"You know my name?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have to know the name of the extremely attractive guy that's stalking me." She said with a smirk. My eyes widen in shock. How did she know?

"Ummm, how did you know?" I asked , feeling my cheeks turn red.

"I heard you mumble something and I put two and two together." Y/N said.

"You're really smart." I said, with a smile.

"I am and you're really horny." She said and then she grabbed my hand. Then she led me into her house...

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