Candy you two share (Luke)

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"Luke!!!", you yelled running into the livingroom, seeing your best friend on the couch watching Mean Girls.

"What is it y/n?" He laughed at your horrid face.

You rolled your eyes, blocking the Tv.

"Y/n!! Move out the way, your not made out of glass." He giggled. "Come sit by me and so we can enjoy this beautiful movie together. You know it's our favorite."

You put on out best pouty face, crossing your arms.

"Sit on Daddy's lap and tell me what's wrong." he teased wiggling  his eyebrows making you both bust out laughing. "But really what's wrong?"

You sigh sitting down beside him.

"I couldn't find it."

"You couldn't find what?" He asked putting his arm over your shoulder. You rested your head on his.

"Our Peanut M&m's!!", you whined.

"It's okay y/n-"

"No it's not okay Luke. It our Tradition!! We always eat it when we watch Mean girls. I don't want to ruin it."

Luke sigh, sitting up on the couch, and you did the same.

"It is- it's our tradition, a tradition we've been doing for 4 years. " he slowly says pausing the movie and standing up.

He offered his hand, and you gladly accepted the offer, standing up from the couch.

Luke's digs in jeans, taking out his keys. You didn't notice you two were still holding hands until now.

"Where are we going?" You asked as he dragged you out the door.

"To the store. I would never break our tradition. It means a lot to you and to me."

You smiled, sitting down in the passenger seat. "Thank you."

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