He's Sick (Ash)

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"Hey Ash, Im feeling tacos today, you? Ashton?" You asked as you walked into your room noticing his absence. "Babe!" You shout turning around to walk out the room when you heard noise coming from the bathroom. You walked in to find Ashton kneeling down by the toilet vomitting his heart out. You walked to his side and kneeled down to him. "Oh my God your burning up." You said removing your hand from his hot forehead.

He finally stopped and looked up at you. "II'm sick."

"Well I can see that babe." you said continuing to rub his back. He looked so pale and fragile. You felt so sorry for him. "You think it's something you ate?"


"Ohhhh- I told you not to order a fish sandwitch from Burger King. I told you that that is food poisen central." You scolded remembering your words of wisdom from yesterday, feeling just slightly less sympathetic now. He just groaned and pouted. "I have to get you to a hospital, hun." You said placing his arm around your shoulder and helping him stand up. He brushed his teeth and then you helped his weak body into the bedroom


"Uh huh?"

"Kiss me."


"Kiss me."


"Come on-"

"Are you crazy?" You said gigling. "You have to be in-"

"Give me some sugar." He said playfully leaning in.

"Or Nah." You said before placing him onto the bed. He pouted. Did he really think you were going to kiss him after what you just witnessed? Well you did, on the forehead. He smiled cheeckly at you as you smiled back at your poor baby. "I'm gonna call Dr. Russell over okay babe?"

"Kay." He answered hugging you while he snuggled up close. "I love you."

"Love you too boo."

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