Album you two like (Michael)

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"Are you ready?", Michael, your boyfriend for 2 years, asked,slipping on a jacket:

"Yeah", you smiled throwing him his car Key. Nights like this, is what you enjoyed the most. You two would get away from the house late at night like around 10-12 and drive around the city.

This specific night, y'all didn't drive around, instead you two laid in the Santa Cruz sand looking up at the stars.

"Do you see the Big Dipper?" Michael asked pouting up at the sky with his left arm while the other rested around your shoulder.

"I see many!!" You giggled turning up your phone as it played Blink-180, Neighborhoods (Deluxe Verson) Album. At first you didn't like this type of music, you sort of stayed with R&B until one day you hung out with a certain fella and he changed that. After a song was finished Michael would explain the meaning of it, and than make you listen to it again. The Second time hearing it made you fall in love with each and every song on the album.

"I see Jupitar y/n!!"

"I think that's Mars babe" you giggled kissing him on his cheek.

"And how would you know?" He smirked kissing your forehead.

"Educated Guess Mikey.." You laughed rolling your eyes. The sound of water splashing against the sand, startled you. For it was just quiets and peaceful.

"Let's go take a walk on the beach." Michael says standing up. You did the same, dusting off your pants. You both took off your shoes, holding them in your hands as you walked down a peaceful beach talking about anything and everything.

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