Lucky fan (Luke)

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Luke chose you out of all of the fans to come up on stage so that's what you did.

He let you play his guitar and he even let you watch from back stage.

Aren't you a lucky girl.

After the concert, you sat on a couch backstage smiling down at yourself. You still couldn't believe he picked you out of all of his fans. I mean how did he even notice you.

"Hey" a voice said startling you. You look up to see Luke smiling down at you. He was wiping away the sweat from his beautiful face with a white face towel.

"Hey" you said smiling back at him. You stood up grabbing your satchel putting it over your shoulder.

"Did you enjoy the show?"

""Yes, all thanks to you. I really appreciate the fact that you picked me out of all of fans. It means a lot to me."

"I'm glad I did. Are you from around here? "

"I am."

"Cool. Do you like the pick that I gave you? Y/n?"

You looked down at your hand to see the red pick wrapped around your polished fingers. You blushed, glad that you were dark so he wouldn't be able to tell. The way your name rolled off his tongue, made your insides explode in excitement.

"Yeah I do. This was really sweet of you", you said holding eye contact with him. "I should probably go, my mom is waiting"

"Y-yeah" he stuttered looking away. He looked as if he was blushing. "I know this is fast and we burly know each other but can I take you on a date tonight?"

You stopped in your tracks. You were nearly out the backstage door. Your heart had stopped for a good second and you could feel your hands shake. You turned around on your heel bumping into him. He must have followed behind you.

"I would love too", you smiled handing him your phone and he did the same.

"I'll call you when I'm done here." He informed giving you back your phone .

"O-okay", you stuttered.

"I'll see you tonight y/n" he slowly said leaning in to kiss your soft cheek.

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