He gets Jealous (Michael)

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"Oh Luke your so funny." You laughed out, wiping away your imaginary tear. Luke had just told a joke that wasn't really funny but your lagged for his sake.

"Ha.Ha.Ha." Michael laughed sarcastically as he tuned his guitar.

A lady had took Luke away to do something, so you accompanied your pouty boyfriend.

"You ready for your show?" You asked trying to get him pumped up. "I know your gonna kill it like you always do."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Michael says walking away. You walked away to but in a different direction.

He's been pissing you off lately. You've been on tour with the guys for a week and it seems like he's already ready for you to leave.

Since the Hotel was just across the street from the Arena they were playing at, you walked across the street and went into your shared room with Micheal. You grabbed your suitcase, zipping it up and putting it by the door.

"I need to leave, Michael just to scared to send me off", you thought out loud, taking your charger out of the plug, putting it in your purse.

You were this close, to opening the door and leaving when a pale faced boy,with pink lips stumbled In. His face relaxed when he saw you.

"What are you doing here Mikey? You have a show that's starts in less than 20 minutes." You yelled pushing him out the door.

"I'd rather be in here with you, why are leaving?" He asked taking notice of your suitcase.

"You've been acting weird this whole week I've been here. Do you even love me anymore?"

"I do love you, y/n. I love you so much. Please don't leave me." He cries holding onto your leg. You bent down.

"Tell me why you've been so distant and rude." You demanded caressing his cheek. A single tear fell from his eye.

"I was jealous" he hiccups.


"Of you and Luke. You've been hanging out with him instead of me. You laugh at his stupid jokes for crying out loud. You two look more like a couple instead of us. The fans even see it."

You wrapped your around Michael like a blanket, resting your head on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry Mikey, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay." He sadly smiles. "Now come with me, we have a concert."

You laughed, giving him one more hug and y'all begin walking back to the Arena.

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