Candy you two share (Calum)

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You and Calum were both relaxing on your bed eating KitKats.

"This is so good babe" He moaned biting into his treat.

"It is" you laughed, opening up another. "It sucks that none of the trick or treaters came."

Calum nodded, opening another Kitkat for his self.

"We should have decorated the house but I don't mind this at all. "

"Me either", you agreed licking the chocolate off of his cheek.

He did the same, but there wasn't any on your face.

"Babe" you giggled. "What was that for?"

"What?" He laughed putting his hands up in surrender. "I was licking your chocolate"

You eyes went wide

"What babe? I can't control how I act around Chocolate. Especially when a beautiful chocolate girl that sitting right in front of me.

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