He's sick (Michael)

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"Oh hell. No. Who gave you.... that goddamned bell?"

"Calum." He deadpanned as you stood over him glaring. Michael had been sick today and yesterday. Yesterday was fine, but today, you wondered where the hell did this bell just magically appeared from.

"You really think I'm gonna be answereing that?" You asked placing your hands akimbe.

"Didn't think you would...But you don't want your boyfriend to suffer here do you?" He asked giving you those puppy dog eyes.

"Keep ringing that goddamn bell and we'll just see." He pouted. "So what do you need now? More tea?"

"No. Can you pass me that please?" He said pointing at the cup of water that was literally two feet away from him. You inhaled sharply as you turned around and walked out of the living room before you cussed your boyfriend out.

"I was joking!" He called out to you as you continued to walk away. "I was kidding!" He got up to go after you. "Come on babe. Alright I'll throw away the bell."

"Mhm" You said turning around to look at him.

"I didn't know you were going to come! Like I'm purely shocked."

"Whatever." You said shaking your head and slightly smiling.

"Well maybe I'll keep the bell." You walked into the room yall shared and shut the door on him. "Love you!"


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