Texting Michael Clifford (Part 1)

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You've been texting Michael Clifford ever since the day he gave you his number at the meet and greet and no you haven't seen him since. It's been 6 months to be exact and you don't know what to do. You should be out there dating, having a life but Instead you stay in your room all day texting him. It was fun at first but now you can't handle it. You don't want to get your hopes up that this weird relationship you share with him will last. You never have the time or money to see him and with his busy schedule he can't see you.
You: Mikey you there?

Michael:  Buttercup!!!

You: I have something to tell you....

Michael: ehhh....

You: This is only for the better for me... And you of course.

Michael: plz don't tell me :(

You: We need to stop whatever this is.... I'm sorry Mikey.

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