How you met (Cal)

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You decided to take your niece to see Monsters Inc in 3D. You love that movie so much and since your with your niece, you've decided to go with her. Your local theater decided to play classic kids movies in the theaters during vacation.
"Auntie Y/N, is it scary?"Your niece asked and she was still unsure about the movie.
"Not at all baby girl, don't worry."You said and she smiled. Then she smiled widely. Then you both walked into theater.. Since it was winter break the movie theater was a bit crammed. It would be no surprise if any accidents were destined to happen. As you walked with your niece you heard her say. 'Oopsie." Then you turned around to see her spill her juice on the man shirt. You walked out behind the man to see if it was okay. Then you tapped him on the shoulder, "Are you okay?" You asked trying make sure that the man was okay and a chance for your niece to apologize.
"It's alright, thank you very much." The man said. He was very cute and you noticed he had an accent. You couldn't pen-point to which country his accent came from, which you wish you could have been able to identify it. For some reason you recognized him.
"I didn't mean to, and I'm sorry."Your niece said. Then you gave him a hoodie that you just carried around that would surely fit him. He smiled at you both.
"Thank you both again. Your some of the nicest people I've had met since moving here."He said.
"It's no problem, I'm Y/N." You said.
"I am Calum."He said with a smile.

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