Your inseure because people bully you (Luke)

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You were wishing for your English class to end. It was the class were you have Arianna and her friends. They bully you for some reason. At first you were friends with them, but then they turned on you suddenly. It hurts because none would defend you at all. The people didn't defend you either didn't know how to or was scared to get bullied themselves. You understood why they were scared to get bullied. The bullies were relentless and had no regard for your feelings. Many times they would break you down to tears while in class. To them it was just funny to see you cry and you never understood why. The teacher was writing notes and you wrote down everything that the teacher had on the board.

"Now I am going to pull cards, so we can review for the test over Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Your teacher, Mrs. Wilson said and she grabbed the cards with everyone's names in your class. You were hoping that your name wasn't going to called. It's not like you wouldn't be able to answer the question, which you know that you would, but your bullies would talk shit. They would make fun of you more for getting the answers right in front of the class. Mrs. Wilson picked out the first card in the stack and smiled.

"Y/N, in what manner did Dr. Jekyll talk about Mr. Hyde when Utterson asked Hyde?" Mrs. Wilson asked. You sighed because you didn't want to answer the question.

"Dr. Jeykll talked about Mr. Hyde in a paternal manner in the novella." You said and then looked down. You were mentally preparing for what they had to throw at you, literally. Honestly you couldn't predict what they will do to you. Suddenly you felt something hit your head, and the you looked down and saw it was a little paper ball. Mrs. Wilson didn't even seem to notice it at all. Then Arianna walked up to you.

"Pick up now Y/N! Your the ugliest girl in the world. No guy will ever want you and you'll only amount to taking out the trash, since you are trash." Arianna said and you felt a tear coming down. You didn't want Arianna to see you cry, so you got up and ran off. Then you went to your usual crying spot, under the stairs. It was a place that people don't see you cry and you were usually left alone. You sat down on the ground and cried.

"Why am I getting bullied? I've been nothing but nice. It's because I'm ugly and Arianna is right I will never get a guy to want me." You said out loud. Since you were along you knew that none would hear you tearing yourself down. Then you heard someone walk towards you. You began to roll up into a ball thinking that it was Arianna or Mrs. Wilson. To your surprise it was Luke Hemmings, who is a grade ahead of you. Honestly, you've always had a little crush on him, but you knew that he would never give you the time of day. Then he sat down onto the ground in front of you.

"Don't say that about yourself ever again." Luke said, and you realized he heard all of what you said about yourself.

"Why? It is not like everyday you get reminded your ugly. Every girl wants to get with you." You said and Luke just rolled his eyes.

"I don't want to get with them, becuase of them are just self-centered. I've seen you around school Y/N and I saw something different about you. First off your absolutely beautiful and I never understood why you got bullied in the first place. Then I decided to listen to the Arianna and her friends conversations and they're just jealous of you." Luke said and you just shook your head.

"Jealous of what?" You asked. "I am nothing to be jealous of."

"Mostly because I showed interest in you. They all each wished it was them, which I found out while listening to their conversation. Y/N your smart, funny, nice, caring and beautiful. If only you could see what I see you would understand." Luke said and you looked down, blushing. He then got up and held you up. Luke grabbed your hand. "Time to head back to Mrs. Wilson class!" Then your eyebrow furrowed.

"How do you know that I have Mrs. Wilson this hour?" You asked.

"Don't worry about that." Luke said, while chuckling. "Let's go." He said and then you walked with him back up to Mrs. Wilson's classroom

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