Your insecure because people bully you (Cal)

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You looked down as people laughed as you walked by. Honestly you hated high school so much. No matter what you did you was made fun of for it. All you wanted to do was to be accepted by others, but you felt as you would never get that. Then you walked into your Chemistry class which your crush Calum Hood is in that class. You thought that you never would have a chance with him. He was a ten and your a zero at least you think. Then you sat down in your usual seat in the class. All you need was for this class to end and you'll be at home, but you'll miss Calum. Mrs. Miller walked out of the classroom and you knew that you were done for. Alexandra then walked up to you. She's the head cheerleader and has always had it in for you.

"Awww look at little Y/N." Alexandra said and everyone else laughed except Calum. You were sink of her shit so you got up from your seat and walked up to her.

"What's your problem with me?" You asked and Alexandra laughed.

"My problem with you is your a stupid little bitch. Also you're the ugliest thing that I've ever seen." Alexandra said. It always hurt you because everyone has called you ugly. Alexandra was the "pretty" girl in your grade. You knew that you couldn't cry now since you were in her face.

"I'm sick of your ass. Alexandra your a self-centered bitch that thinks that daddy should give you what you want!" You said and then she got angry. Then she slapped you and you fell to the ground. You felt the sting on your face and you put your onto the area she hit you.

"Aww, look at the little ner-" Alexandra began to say, but was interrupted.

"Shut the fuck up Alexandra! You just don't like Y/N because she is way better than you'll ever be. Honestly she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Someone said and you looked up to see it was Calum. You blushed, and was glad that none could see it.

"If you're defending her so much, then why don't you date her." Alexandra said.

"Maybe I will!" Calum said and then I finally got up. Mrs. Miller walked into class and I sat down at my desk as well as Alexandra. When I looked on my desk I saw a slip of paper and opened it.

I really like Y/N. I was thinking that maybe we should go on a date. My number xxx-xxx-xxx , hope you'll text or call me. - Calum

I looked back at him and smiled. He smiled back at me. I knew then that Calum and I are going to have an amazing relationship.

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