The Day After

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So yesterday I fell asleep on my couch as soon as I knew my daily vlog went up and I knew I was tired but not that tired, I can't be bothered with university today. I have a feeling that today is going to be a long day, I can't actually believe I met Harry yesterday let alone speak to him. He hasn't texted or called me yet but that's normal right? I mean he is probably very busy with everything that's going on at the minute and well I am busy with school, YouTube and what ever else I do. I should probably start Vlogging it's currently 10am and I haven't videoed anything but the only thing is my camera is upstairs as I took it to charge before falling asleep on the sofa and I'm down stairs.

I get up from the sofa putting my laptop on my coffee table and head towards the staircase. I start to run upstairs but about mid way I trip on something and I look down to find a lantern. I totally forgot that my mum had placed a few new ornament on the side of the stairs.

"Hi everyone it's currently ten o'clock and I have university again today. I'm not sure how interesting today is going to be but I am going to daily vlog for a while as I have probably already mentioned, I can't actually remember. I uploaded a vlog up yesterday night and it seems like everyone is enjoying them which makes me really happy. Most of you guys favourite part of the vlog from yesterday was when I met Harry Styles and to be completely honest with you guys, it was mine too. I will catch up with you guys after my classes." I finish saying turning my camera off.

I have a quick look at my phone before leaving the house and heading to class which starts in about one hour, and I see that I have a new message. At first I thought it was from him but it's just my mum texting me to remind me about tonight's family dinner, I had actually forgot about this aswell. Luckily my mum reminded me, I leave the front door and turn the key to lock the door and I head off.

I click my camera back on and start speaking to it, looking completely insane and probably creepy to the people who are passing and looking at me in a strange way.

"The streets are actually not that busy today, I suppose people have already started work as have students and the only ones that are out just now are probably have some free time and then there's me who's heading to university, how fun! I have a few minutes till class starts so I still have time to get into my dancing gear and no need to rush so yeah, I will speak again after class."

I look both sides on the streets and there is no signs of any cars so I cross the road quickly and head down the street until I see my school. As soon as I have reached the entrance I wait a little bit for my friend 'Ana' she is in my class and we have known each other since primary school, Ana has a YouTube channel too she was the one who inspired me to make one and without her inspiration I would have never been in the place I am now. I think I can see a few steps away from me but I'm not too sure, I need glasses and I'm not wearing mine at the moment. I squint my eyes until I can see her coming closer to me and I wave, she waves back and now we are together "Today is going to be a long day!" Ana says and I reply, "How fun!" and we enter class with our gear on.

After class

"So today in class we learned a new dancing routine which we are going to perform next week in the town hall, we are a couple of weeks away from our end of year show which will also take place in the town hall. I am quite excited and nervous at the same time to be honest with you all, I'm not actually that confident some times I just want to crawl into a corner and stay there till I feel safe or something. I hope I'm not the only one who feels like that some times, some days.  Anyway enough of talking about confidence and stuff, but if you guys do want to see a video like that just let me know and I will see what I can do. I am heading back to my mums house just now and I think that I am going to have a lazy rest of the day, my mum won't get home till a bit later so I will have the house to myself. I will actually probably edit a few clips and stuff aswell before I can relax." I say to my camera and then my phone goes off and it's finally him.

Hi Lily it's Harry, Harry Styles. How are you?x

Hey Harry it's okay I know who you are, you did after all type your number in my phone yesterday. I'm good thanks you haha?x

He replies pretty quickly, we are messaging through iMessager.

Oh yeah hahaha and that's good I am good aswell, I was wondering if your busy tonight?x

He's asking if I'm busy tonight, hmm.

Not really was thinking of having a lazy night but what were you thinking?x

What about going for some ice cream later on?x

Yeah that would be nice, what time and where do you want to meet?x

Okay I can pick you up around seven?x

Yeah sure here's my address  ** ********* ***** x

Thanks, how's your day been?x

It's been busy just out of university, you?x

This time he doesn't reply as quick and by the time he does I am already at home, having edited one video aswell.

Sorry I was needed by the boys and not much just doing some sound checks for tomorrow's concert, how was your classes today?x

It's okay, that sounds like fun hahaha and they were okay a bit tiring but okay!x

It was okay not necessarily as fun as you would think :)x

Really must have been better than my classes today x

Yeah probably, so you do dancing?x

Yeah it's kind of my thing alongside acting x

Nice and YouTube x

Yeah and YouTube, I'm just editing a video so slow replies x

Okay that's fine I'm actually away to go and get something so I will just speak to you again at seven when I pick you up?x

That's fine see you then x

It actually doesn't feel weird at all texting Harry, it feels the same way as when I text Ana. He makes it easy to have a conversation and I can't wait to see what happens tonight.

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