Chapter Fifteen

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(2 months later)
Danielle's P.O.V.
Luke and I are getting off of our flight to Georgia, to come visit his parents. I'm nervous, but at the same time, I'm excitied. Luke has told me a lot about his family, and I hope that I make a good impression on them. Luke gets our rental car, and he takes our bag, and puts them in the trunk. He opens my door for me, and we start the drive to Luke's parents house which takes about an hour. Once we pull into the driveway,a black lab comes running up to the car. Once Luke parks the car, and gets my door for me, I crouch down, and start playing with the dog. I hear Luke chuckle and say "you and your animals" I just smile, and get up, to help him with our bags, but he refuses. Sometimes he frustrates me, when he won't let me help him, but it's what ever. We're almost on the front porch, when the front door opens, and a women who I assume is Luke's mother comes down the steps, and wraps Luke in a hug. Then she looks over to me and says "well you must be Danielle, Luke never stops talking about you" I smile, and stick out my hand for her to shake, she says to me "no need for that proper stuff, we hug in this family" I laugh at that, as she wraps me in a hug. As we're pulling apart I say "it's nice to finally meet you Ms.Bryan" She says "no need for that Ms, or Mrs. stuff, call me momma, or LeClaire" I smile at her, and Luke says to her "well momma, I'm going to bring our bags up to my old room, and show Danielle around" she smiles,and we go inside. Luke comes back downstairs, and gives me a tour of the downstairs, and then the tour of upstairs. Once we get downstairs, Luke's mom says that she is going to make some lunch. I offer to help her, and she accepts. We're having sandwiches for lunch. While we're making lunch, she gets to know me better, by asking me questions, about my family and that kind of stuff.We're almost done, when I hear a car door close, then dog starts barking, and finally I hear the front door open and close. Next I hear Luke say "hey pa!" His dad is just in time for lunch. I call the boys into the dining room for lunch, but before that I introduce myself to Luke's father. We all sit down at the table, and say grace, then begin eating lunch.

Luke's P.O.V.
I think that things are going pretty well between my mom and Danielle. as I'm sitting in the living room, I can hear them talking, and laughing every once in a while.My dad walks in the door, just in time for lunch, Danielle introduces herself to him, then we go sit down, for lunch. During lunch, my mother and father take turns asking Danielle different questions, about her family, and about where she went to school, and all the basic stuff that parents usually would like to know. Once lunch is done, Danielle helps clear the table, and is helping my mom do the dishes. I walk over to the sink, and give both of them a kiss on the cheek, and leave them to talk. I go sit in the living room with my dad, and he says to me "so we finally get to meet her. From the little bit of time I've spent with her, I can see why you're head over heels, and I can tell you that your mother approves, and I do too." I smile and say "dad, I think she's the one" He smiles and says "I can see it in the way that you look at her, you love her, and she loves you. I've never seen you this happy" I smile and say " I hope that she will agree to become part of the family. I already have her fathers blessing, I just need to make sure that mom approves first. " he says to me "I'm pretty sure that she does, talk to her about it later, and give me a little bit of one on one time with Danielle, so I can get to know her better, if she's going to be becoming part of the family" I smile and say "thanks pa" He turns the tv on, and we sit there, watching a football game. My mom and Danielle come in and join us, I see my dad giving me the look, and I say to my mom,"hey ma, can I talk to you" she smiles, and we get up and go sit on the back deck. Once we sit down, she looks at me and says "What's up hunny?" I say to her "so what do you think of Danielle?" she says "well hunny, from what time I've spent with her so far, I love her. She is polite, she fits in with us all,from what you've told me, she knows how to cook, and keep house, and she makes you happy. Plus it doesn't hurt, that she's very pretty. When you told me on the phone, that she was pretty, you didn't do her justice, it's natural beauty too, nothing that you can wipe off with a wash cloth." I smile and say "thanks ma, that means a lot. I'm really happy that you like her as much as I do. I'm hoping that she'll agree to be part of the family, pretty soon" she smiles at me and stands up giving me a kiss on the top of the head, and we go back inside. Once we get into the living room my dad says to me "son, you've got yourself a keeper, she understands football" I laugh at that, and sit down next to Danielle.

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