Chapter Thirty

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(The day before the wedding {2 months later})
Danielle's P.O.V.
Well today is the rehersal dinner. Tomorrow I become Mrs.Danielle Bryan. I can't wait. My parents, grandparents, the wedding party, Luke's parents and grandparents are all having dinner with us at the venue right now. Luke is sitting to my left with Carter to his left, I have Kandice to my left. Next to Carter is Ryan, then Michael, next is Kent, then Black Mike, then finally Kevin. They're all the groomsmen. Then comes Tommy and LeClaire, then Luke's grandparents. Next to Kandice is Gabby, Kelsey is next to Jolyssa, with Jaslin to the right of her and finally Erika. All of my bridesmaids. Next to my bridesmaids are my mom and Steve, then my moms mom, followed by my dads mom, and her boyfriend, then comes my dad and Darlene. I figured that it would be a good idea not to seat my mom and Steve or my moms mom next to my father, considering that they don't get along. I don't need a fight to breaking out the day before my wedding day, since being the bride is stressful enough. We all have dinner, then go outside to practice the ceremony. We have Luke's neice Jordan as our flower girl, she walks down the aisle practicing, she gives Luke a hug once she gets to the end, then Luke's grandparents walk down the aisle first, then exit to the right of the aisle next his is parents, they do the same. Then my dads mom and her boyfriend go down the aisle and exit to the right, my mom, and her mom walk together and follow suit, then the bridal party. First Carter and Kandice walk down, Kandice exits to the right she goes behind where I would be standing, Carter to the left, behind Luke. Next is Gabby and Ryan. Third is Michael and Jolyssa. Fourth is Kelsey and Kent. Fifth is Erika and Black Mike. Finally it is Jaslin and Kevin. Once those two make it down to the end, I go. I have Steve's right arm linked with my left. Then my dad has his left arm linked with my right. We walk down to the end of the aisle, and the minister asks who is giving me away, both my dad and Steve say "We do" they each kiss my cheek, and take their seats. Luke grabs my hand, to help me up the step. The minister gives us the description of the ceremony, briefly, then my cousin Tristan, our ring bearor comes us and gives us our rings,(which are really ring pops for right now). Once he's done, Luke walks me to Kandice's car, since I'm going home with her. He gives me a kiss, and tells me how much he's going to miss me, as well as tells me, the next time that he sees me, I will be becoming Mrs.Danielle Bryan. I chuckle and give him a kiss, and wave out the window as we drive off. All of the bridesmaids are staying at Kandice's house for the night so we can all get ready together. We all get into our pajamas, and go sit down in the living room, to talk about tomorrow. After we've been talking for a while, the girls ask about the honeymoon. Well, I tell them as much as I know which is nothing. But then I say to them "Well, Luke and I decided, that I should stop the pill before the honeymoon, so I guess that while we're there we are going to try for a baby." All of them start squealing and giving me hugs while says congrats. I smile at them all, and then it hits me, I say outloud "How the hell am I supposed to pack for a honeymoon if I don't know where I'm going" they all laugh, and Kandice says to me "well, it's a good thing that I know where you're going, and have already packed for you" I turn to her and tell her that it isn't fair that she knows where I'm going. She smirks and says "You'll know withing the next 24 hours" I roll my eyes, and I see that it's 11, and I tell everyone that we all need to get some sleep. So that's what we do. 6 is going to come quickly.

Luke's P.O.V.
Since Danielle is gone for the night, I can pack my things for the honeymoon, without her seeing. If she got to see what I was packing, then it would be easier for her to figure out where we're going. I pack enough clothes for the two weeks that we're going to be gone for. She doesn't even know how long we're going to be gone for. I'm glad that I kept this secret, for as long as I have. She usually can get as much information out of me as she wants, but not this time. I take a shower, and once I get out, I make a phone call, to make sure that Danielle's wedding present is going to be ready for tomorrow. I'm told that it's ready now, and that I can go take a look if I would like, so I do. Once I return home, I send Danielle a goodnight text and climb into bed. I can't sleep, because I miss Danielle. Plus I'm really nervous and excited for tomorrow. I hope that she doesn't get cold feet. I feel myself slowly drift off to sleep.

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