Chapter Twenty-eight

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Danielle's P.O.V.
I'm laying here in bed, thinking about my whole situation. I love Luke but at the same time, I love Michael. Luke didn't hurt me like Michael did. But I still have history with Michael that I never will have with Luke.I need to talk to someone about all of this. I climb out of bed, and make myself some tea, and head up to Kandice's hotel room. It's only 11 so she shouldn't be asleep yet. I knock on her door, once she opens it, I see that she's in her pajamas. She opens the door wide enough for me to come in. I sit down on her bed, and she does too. She turns off the tv and says to me "I've been waiting up for you to come talk to me about what Michael had to talk to you about" I say "That's actually why I'm here." She says "well?" I sigh, and explain to her everything that he told me, then I tell her myside. Once I tell her about me screaming at him, she holds back a laugh, even though it is kind of funny. But it is a serious matter at the same time. She sighs, and grabs my hand, and squeezes it reassuringly.Then she says "Well hun, you have two great men to choose between. You have to do it soon, I honestly don't know what to tell you, this is really all up to you, if you need to talk, I'm here, anytime of day or night. I will tell you this, I see the way that both of those men look at you, one of them is going to get hurt, along with you. You're going to get hurt because you're letting go of someone that you love, and care for. If it's Michael, I know that your freindship is never going to be the same again. But if it's Luke, you're going to have to figure something out, for work, plus you're going to get a lot of hate from his fan base, but don't let that affect your choice, you need to be happy. That's all that matters. I wish that I could give you better advice than this, but this love stuff is pretty tricky. Plus it is all up to you, I don't want to confuse you even more" I smile at her and hug her, then thank her, then I head back to my room. Once I get back to my room, I try to fall asleep but that isn't going to happen, with all of this on my mind at the moment. I need to make up my mind, I'm supposed to be getting married in two months, I need to get this whole mess figured out.

Luke's P.O.V
The next thing that I remember I'm being shaken awake by Danielle. I open my eyes, and look at her and she says to me "Luke, what's wrong? You're shaking like crazy, and mumbling oh shit over and over again" I let out a sigh of relief, it was all just a bad dream. I reach over, and wrap Danielle up in my arms, then kiss her on the forehead. I say "sorry if I woke you up, go back to sleep. It was just a bad dream, it seemed so real" She says "It's okay hun, let me know if you want to talk about it" I mumble "mhmmm" and slowly drift back off to sleep. Once I'm asleep again, I have another dream, but this time Danielle is there. We're swimming in a pool, and I'm holding a toddler,and Danielle is holding a baby too. I turn around and I don't recognize where I am, but I see a giant house behind me. I say to Danielle "Where are we?" She laughs and says "You know where you are hun, why wouldn't you?" I give her a confused look, and I look down to see the toddler crying. Danielle tells me to take the baby in her arms, so she can make the other child stop crying. I'm so confused. Once Danielle climbs out of the pool, She has a huge belly. I say to her "Wait you're pregnant?!?!" She gives me a look and says "Yes, you were there, so I think that you should know" what is she talking about? That's when I'm awakened by my phone ringing. I grown, and reach over to my night stand, I look at my screen and it's 1 in the afternoon. It's Danielle calling. I press accept, and say "hello?" Her voice rings through the phone, she says to me "Luke where are you? You're supposed to be at the restaurant for lunch with our families, and the wedding party." I just remembered that, I say "Oh shit, sorry I'm late, I will be right there, Love you. See you soon!" I hear her say "Love you too" as I'm running around the hotel room getting dressed for lunch. I'm out the door in 3 minutes, and take the elevator down to the hotel restaurant. I greet Danielle with a hug and kiss. Then we all sit down, there is 22 of us in here for lunch. I have a feeling that we're going to be here for a while. Everyone is asking Danielle questions about the wedding. I lock our hands together under the table, and place them on the inside of her thigh, I can't let her go after the dreams that I've had since I went to sleep.

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