Chapter Forty

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Danielle's P.O.V.
Today Hannah and I are going to the mall, to go shopping for maternity clothes, since I'm really starting to get big, since I'm having twins. We talk about the babies, and then we start talking about her and Ryan's wedding. She is really excited, she told me that Luke and I are going out to dinner with them later, because they need to tell us something. I hate surprises, so I keep trying to get it out of her, but she won't tell. We shop for a few hours, then get some coffee, and head back home. She told me how much she loves my new car, I laugh at that and say "I love it too, I wasn't expecting it" She laughs, and once we get home, she tells me to dress fancy for dinner. I put on a loose fitting black dress, which doesn't even hide my baby belly anymore. Oh well, Luke and I already announced it. So it's not a secret. Once we all are ready, we take my car, I let Luke drive us. We all are seated, and order. While we're waiting for our food, Ryan and Hannah tell us that they're moving to Nashville, I'm so happy. That means that we will get to see them a lot more. They decided to buy a house, they went and looked at it yesterday. It's only 10 minutes from mine and Luke's house. We all eat our dinner, then we go to the house Ryan and Hannah bought, so we can look at it. It's really nice, it's 5 bedrooms, and 3 bathrooms. There's a big backyard, and a long driveway. It's really private, there are lots of trees, and a fence. Hannah and Ryan both look happy, I'm happy for them, I didn't think that they would move down here, but they are. We get a tour of the house, then we all head home. When we pull into our driveway, and there's a truck that I know better than anyones, and could pick it out anywhere. I look at Ryan, and he looks confused, and I say "What's he doing here?" He shrugs, and Luke says to me "I can tell him to leave if you want." I shake my head no, and say "let me talk to him alone. If you guys don't mind going inside." They all get out of the car, and go inside. I get out of my car last, and go up to Michael's truck. He opens the door, and gets out, and I see Casey in the truck, she moves her left hand, that's when I see the ring. He closes the door, and I say to him"you're engaged?" He sighs and says " yes we are, but that's not why I'm here, I'm here because I miss my best friend " I laugh and say "Why are you here? She's in the truck waiting for you" I want to curl up in a ball and cry. He shakes his head and says "You know that I'm not talking about her, I'm talking about you" I shake my head and turn around to walk away. He grabs my wrist, spinning me around to face him. I look at him, now he has really pissed me off. He says "We're here because she wants to apologize." I laugh and say "Never gonna work. I hate her, and I have since I was 13. You out of everyone should know that. Michael she tore my family apart, and you're letting her do it again, when I need it together the most. These two babies, need everyone there, but as long as she is in your life, you're not welcome in mine. Do I make myself clear? Stress isn't good for the babies, so the both of you are putting a strain on all three of us" He looks like he is going to cry. He says "You're having twins?" I shake my head yes and say "It's not like it matters to you, you wont be in their lives. I will keep you out until she is gone. You make a choice, Me or her?" He says to me "you can't do that" I smirk and say "I just did, it's pretty clear who you have chosen, bye Michael" He says "Danielle, wait" I spin around and say "What?" I am on the verge of tears at this point, I can barely hold them back. He whispers "She's pregnant, I can't leave her" I whisper "She's pregnant?" He nods his head, his eyes are showing vulnerability, and that's when I say "Well Michael, you really fucked up this time. Congratulations to the both of you. I wish you luck." He says "Danielle, I need you here for me, now more than ever" I laugh and say "You should've thought of that before you got her pregnant." He shakes his head, and says "I messed up big time, I know. Her parents are making us get married" I just shake my head, and walk up the front steps. I laugh and say "Good luck.You can leave now, please don't come back. You're not welcome here. I walk in the front door, and head straight up stairs, and I peel my clothes off, and get into the shower. I just sit there letting the water hit me.

Luke's P.O.V.
Once we get back to the house Michael is there. Oh shit, this isn't going to be good at all. Danielle asks to talk to him alone, we let her talk to him alone. I know that this is bad, but the three of us inside are all hovered around my laptop, listening in on the conversationn through the security cameras outside. As soon as we all heard Michael say that Casey was pregnant, we decided that we would close the laptop, and stop listening in. That's where Danielle needs to take care of it.We all kind of just sat there awkwardly in the living room trying to think of something to say. We hear Danielle come into the house, and go right upstairs. I give her a few minutes alone, then I head up. I hear the shower running, so I strip down, and I open the door to the shower, to see her sitting on the floor crying, and just sitting there letting the water hit her. I get down on the floor next to her, and wrap her up in my arms. She puts her head on my shoulder, and just lets it all out. We sit there silently, I rub her back, and just sat there holding her. After a while, she stops crying, and gave me a hug. We both got out of the shower. We got dressed, then went and laid in bed, we laid there in silence, she had her head on my chest, and we both just enjoyed each others compnay. After what felt like forever, she whispered, "She's pregnant" I say "I'm sorry, that it's with her, because you two don't get along, and that means that she is going to be with him alot. Which will affect your friendship" She sniffles and says "They're engaged too" I kiss her forhead and say "I'm sorry hun, I know that he was your best friend, and that really affects you" She nods and says "Luke?" I say "Yes?" She says "I think that I'm going to call him and see if he is still in town, I want to talk to him, like go out to coffee so she isn't there" I nod and say "Okay, when are you going to do that?" She says "if you don't have plans for us tonight, then right now" I laugh and say "go for it" She pulls out her phone, and calls him. He must still be in town, and be willing to do it, because she gives me a kiss then gets dressed. She tells me she will be back soon. Well this is going to be an interesting night.

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