Chapter Thirty-four

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Danielle's P.O.V.
I just told Luke that I'm pregnant. He gave me a kiss, and told me that, that was the best thing he had heard all day. He pulled the covers off of me as well as pulled my shirt up, and kissed my stomach, and said "Daddy loves you, goodnight" He kissed it again, then put my shirt back down along with the blankets. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. He then said to me "It's a good thing you go on tour with me, because I want you with me, along with the baby the whole time I'm there.I don't want to miss a minute of this preganancy" I smile at him, then lean up to give him a kiss. Once we pull away I say to him "I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, are you going to come with me?" He kisses me on the forehead and says "Of course, I wouldn't miss it" I smile, and slowly drift off to sleep.
(The Next morning)
I get up at 8, and shower, then go downstairs to make Luke and I some coffee and some breakfast. Once I get the coffee, and waffles made, I go upstairs to wake up Luke. He slowly gets up, and follows me downstairs. My appointment is at 10:00, it's 9 right now, so once Luke and I eat breakfast then he goes and takes a shower. Once he is ready, it's 9:30 so we get into the car and start the 20 minute drive. We're there 10 minutes early, which is a good thing because I have a lot of paperwork to fill out. I finished the paperwork, and a few minutes later Luke and I are called into the room. A nurse checks my bloodpressure, and asks me a few questions. Then leaves the room. Within a matter of minutes, a woman comes in. She shakes both mine and Luke's hands. Her name is Dr.Johnson, and she will be the Doctor, who delivers the baby, as well as answers any of my questions, and does my ultrasounds. She tells us that she is going to do an ultrasound, to check and see how far along I am. I pull my shirts, and she puts the cold gel on my stomach, waving it around. She looks at the screen and says "Well, Mrs.Bryan it looks like you're 2 weeks along." That's when I hear something. She says "Do you hear that?" Luke and I both nod yes and she says "That's the babies heartbeat." I feel the tears well up in my eyes, and I look over at Luke. I see a stray tear roll down his cheek as well. He latches onto my hand, giving it a squeeze.

Luke's P.O.V.
Danielle's pregnant. I'm so happy. We're going to be parents. I'm going to be a dad. This is one of the best days of my life. I barely slept last night. Danielle wakes me up, to get ready for her first appointment. We eat, and get ready,then head to the doctors office, Danielle fills out paper work, then we're escorted to an examination room. Dr.Johnson comes into the room quickly. She performs an ultrasound, and we hear the babies heartbeat. I'm so happy, and excited that I start to cry. I squeeze Danielle's hand, and whisper "That's our baby. That's his or her heartbeat" she nods her head in agreement, while trying to stop crying. Dr.Johnson wipes the gel off of Danielle's stomach, and gives Danielle another appointment. There's also a list of dietary restrictions, as well as activity restrictions, and supplements that she should start taking. We go to the store, and pick up the prenatal vitamins, as well as the supplements for iron, and calcium. Once we get back into my truck, Danielle starts reading some of her restrictions "No rollercoasters, no sushi, raw meat, alchohol, no tobacco use, or recreational drugs, no flying during your third trimester, and don't drink a lot of caffine." She practically freaks out, "NO CAFFINE" I laugh at her, and she slaps my arm and says "it's not funny" I say "You're right, it sucks for you" She shakes her head and says "Well, if cutting back on coffee means keeping our little peanut safe, then I will do it" I reach over and grab her hand, and place a kiss on the back. I say to her "You're going to be a great mom. And when can we tell the family?" She says "And you're going to be a great dad. We can tell them on either Thanksgiving or Christmas, it all depends on how much I'm starting to show at that time. I'm leaning more towards Thanksgiving, because that's in 3 and a half months." I nod my head and say "Thanksgiving works for me" She laughs a little and says "When we get home, I want some ice cream" I laugh and say "already getting cravings I see?' She laughs and says "I guess so.Oh and I want some french fries too." I chuckle and say "Whatever you want, I will either buy it for you or make it for you" She laughs and says "you're too good to me" I laugh and say "well, it goes both ways." We get home, and I make her french fries, and give her some ice cream. I make my self some french fries, and scoop myself some ice cream too.

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