Chapter Twenty-one

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Danielle's P.O.V.
Now that Luke and I have announced our engagment to the whole world, we're being asked to do so many interviews, there's a few that we've agreed to do. Actually, I'm getting dressed for one now, this one is for CMT Hot 20 Countdown. I have on a dressy white shirt, with black pants, a black blazer, and some black heels, I have my hair up in a ponytail, with all of my hair curled, I have on more makeup, than I usually do, but It's not as much as some people wear. Luke was at the studio, this morning, so he is going right from there to the interview.So, I'm driving myself. I get into my car, and turn on the radio, I'm singing along, but I'm interrupted, by an incoming call. I answer it, hearing my moms voice ring through the speakers, she is calling to let me know that everyone that was traveling home to New York made it back safely. We talk for a little bit, about some family stuff, and she tells me, that when I'm in New York for a few days, during tour, that we're going wedding dress shopping. I tell her, that we will, when I'm up there in 3 months. We finish up our conversation, because I'm at the place where Luke and I are doing our interview. I see Luke's truck in the parking lot, so I park next to him, grab my purse, and enter the building. The lady at the front desk tells me where to go. I open the door, to the dressing room that she sent me to, I see Luke sitting in a chair, looking into a mirror, while his makeup is being done. Once he sees me, he tells the ladies excuse me, and gets up, making his way over to me, to give me a kiss. I sit down in the chair to his left, while he lets the ladies finish. He says to the ladies "Why do I need to wear this stuff? The only thing that everyone talks about is my ass, so I don't know why my face needs to be pretty" I laugh at that, trying not to mess up the ladies, who are now touching up my makeup. Once we both are ready, Luke grabs my hand, and we make our way over to Alicia and Cody. I'm sitting on Luke's right. Once they start recording, Alicia turns to me, and says "Well, you're the lovely lady that Luke has told us about" I smile at her and say "I hope that it was all good things" She chuckles and says "Of course they were" Next Cody asks Luke how he's doing, then Alicia says "Well, we've all seen the seen the video where you and Luke announced that you're engaged, so we figured that we should have you on the show." I look at Luke and he smiles down at me. He says "yes, we're engaged, and we're very happy together, and no, we don't have any date set, or really have much planned, since it's still very new." Alicia nods her head, and says "Well, let us see the ring" I hold out my left hand, for her to examine it, and for the camera to get a close up.

Luke's P.O.V.
This morning I went to the studio, one last time before we leave Nashville for tour. Danielle and I have an interview with CMT Hot 20 Countdown, which I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that we annonuced our engagement, yesterday. Once I get to the tv studio, I'm ushered into a room where they do my makeup. I'm not here five minutes when Danielle enters the room, when she enters the room, I greet her with a kiss. I've never seen her with her hair up, she always wears it down. I like it up, but I also like it down. The both of us get our makeup done, and we head out to do the interview. It's very brief, and of course we talk about the engagement. Once we leave the interview, we return to the arena, and get on the bus, so we can start our journey to Florida, for the second show of the new tour. It's now 10 at night, so Danielle and I are laying in bed, trying to fall asleep. It's hard to adjust to sleeping on a tour bus after you've been off of one for a while. I have my arms wrapped around her, she has her head laying on my chest, and is drawing circles on my bare chest with her right hand. Before I realize what I'm saying, I say "Do you want children?" I kind of just blurted out my thoughts, oops. She stops drawing circles, and looks at me and says "yes, but not yet" I say "I agree, how many do you want?" She says "3 at the most" I nod my head in agreement. She goes back to drawing circles on my chest,and I lean down, letting my chin rest on the top of her head. I press a kiss to her head, as she starts getting slower and slower at drawing circles her breathing begins to slow, and she drifts off to sleep. I look down at her, and think to myself, how did I get so lucky, as to find this perfect girl, who fell for me as much as I fell for her. I can't believe that she said yes when I proposed. I reach down, and run my thumb over the ring on her left hand. I slowly drift off to sleep, while running my finger over her ring.

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