Chapter Forty-four

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Luke's P.O.V.
We get home to Nashville two days before the wedding, so that we're here for the rehersal dinner. Danielle has been busy helping Hannah, so I've been taking care of the boys, and doing chores around the house. I don't know how Danielle does it. This is a lot of work. Tomorrow while we're at the rehersal dinner, my mom is going to watch the boy. Danielle gets home at 5, and she comes in, gives both of the boys kisses, then puts them back in the play pen. Next she comes up to me and gives me a kiss. Then she starts preparing dinner for us. She makes us spaghetti and garlic bread. Once we're done, she puts the dishes into the dish washer, and then we feed the boys, and bathe them, and put them into bed. We put them into their own rooms, now that they sleep through the night. We go into our room, and I say to Danielle, lets go in the hot tub, we can bring the baby monitors out there. She agrees, so we sit in the hot tub for an hour in a half, just relaxing. She's stressed from helping with the wedding, and I'm tired from taking care of the boys all day. We sit there, just talking about random things. I really love this girl. I love our little family that we made. She tells me that she is going to go take a shower, and I tell her that I will join her. So we take a quick shower, because we don't know when the boys are going to need us. We get into our pajamas, then cuddle up in bed watching a movie. She falls asleep within a matter of minutes, the boys ware her out.She needs her sleep.The boys usually wakeup around six, so I will get up, so that way Danielle can get some more rest, she needs it. She's beat. She's a natural at taking care of the boys, and I'm not as good as her, but I'm okay with them. She deserves a break.

Danielle's P.O.V.
I wake up to an empty bed, I reach over to my night stand, and grab my phone. When I see that it's 11am, I do a double take. I hop out of bed, and take a shower, and get dressed. I rush downstairs, to see the boys asleep in their pack and play, I go out to the kitchen, and Luke is watching a baseball game on his iPad. He must've heard me come into the room,because he turns around and gives me a kiss. He says "Morning sleeping beauty" I smile and say "Why did you let me sleep in so late?" He says "You are exhausted, that's why I let you sleep in" I thank him, and I make myself some coffee. Then Luke says "So, how about we go out to lunch?" I nod my head, while I take a sip of coffee. The boys wake up around noon, we get them dressed, and then we head out to the car, and buckle them in. I let Luke drive, and we go to Panera. Both Luke and I get Mac and cheese. I feed Isaiah while Luke feeds Bo. They are really growing up fast they're four months old today. Once we finish lunch, we head home, and put the boys down for a nap. We watch some tv, and once they wake up,its time for Luke and I to go to the rehersal dinner. I put on a hot pink sundress, and Luke puts on a pink polo, and black dress pants. I come downstairs to see LeClaire sitting on the couch. I give her a hug and thank her for watching the boys. Luke and I head out to the car, and he drives. Once we get to the dinner, I give Hannah, Ryan, my mom Steve, and my dad a hug. I go to sit down, but then I hear a voice from behind me "Don't I get a hug?" With my back still facing him I say "Of course you do Michael" I give him a hug, then take my seat. Luke sits to my right, and my mom is to my left.Then we all eat our dinner, talking about tomorrow I'm not going home with Luke tonight, because all of us bridesmaids are staying at a hotel in town. It was Luke's idea. he said I needed a night out, so he rented a suite for all of us girls. Luke is staying at Ryan's house with all of the groomsmen. So LeClaire is alone with the boys for the night.

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