Chapter Fifty-eight

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Danielle's P.O.V.
Today is February 13th, I was due on the tenth. I really wish that I would just go into labor, because I really want to meet my little girl. I am really excited that there will finally be another girl in the house. Like really excited. Everyone in my family is anxiously waiting to find out the gender of the baby. I don't blame them, I would be anxious too. Luke the boys and I are all watching a movie together in the living room. Luke is off for a few more months, until our baby is 4 months old.School is going great, but once the baby is born, I know that I'm going to get behind, but oh well. I get up from the couch, to put more popcorn into the dish, when it happens. My water breaks. I know that Luke notices, because he is up, running upstairs to get the bags. He comes back downstairs, and gets Wyatt and Tate, then heads out to the car. He is back within a minute, and he gets Bo and Isaiah, and then all four of us walk out to the car together, I'm going really slowly, but what can you expect, I'm in labor. He gets the boys into the car, and He helps me into the passenger seat. He jumps into the driver's seat, and calls the hospital letting them know that we're coming. Then he calls my mom, then his parents and finally my dad. My mom said she will call Ryan, Michael,and Kandice so that way Luke can pay attention to me at the moment. We pull up to the hospital, and there is a nurse waiting for me with a wheel chair. I get into the chair, and Luke goes to park the car. I've just gotten changed, and into the hospital bed, when Luke, and Dr.Johnson come into the room. Luke tells me the boys are with my mom, and then he tells the nurse how far apart my contractions are which is 3 minutes. Dr. Johnson checks to see how dilated I am, and I'm 7 centimeters. She says it's too late to give me epidural, and that she will be back soon. Luke sits in the chair to my left, holding my hand. Dr.Johnson comes into the room, with her scrubs on, and Luke leaves to go get changed. He comes back in, and takes my hand. Dr.Johnson says "Well, you're fully dilated, it's time to push" I push as hard as I can, and she says "Do that again for me" I do, and I hear crying. Luke cuts the cord, and our baby girl is taken to be cleaned up. Luke changes out of his scrubs, and kisses me on the forehead. He says "You did great" The door opens, to reveal the nurse with our baby girl. I move over letting Luke sit down on the bed with me. The nurse asks "What's her name?" Luke and I say in unison "Katherine Jade Bryan" The nurse smiles, and writes it down. She hands Katie over to me, and I look down at our precious little girl. She is looking up at us, and she has Luke's eyes. I say that, and he smiles, and he sticks out his finger, and she latches onto it. I feel a tear roll down my cheek, my family is finally complete.

Luke's P.O.V.
Our little girl was born today, and I couldn't be happier. After Danielle and I have a few minutes alone with Katie, I go get the family. The boys all crowd onto the bed, and I slide in next to Danielle, I see Laurie take a picture with her phone. She says that she will send it to Danielle. I hand her over to Laurie, and she says "What's her name?" Danielle and I say "Katherine Jade Bryan, we're going to call her Katie for short" She looks up at us and smiles. She looks down at Katie and says "Welcome to the family sweetheart" After a few minutes, my mom holds Katie. Then Danielle's dad, then my dad, then Steve, then Darlene. Now the room is a little bit less crowded since they've all left. Now it's Hannah, Ryan, Gabby, Connor and Kandice's turn. Danielle and I say "Gabby and Ryan meet your goddaughter Katie" They both look at us and smile. Now Ryan holds her, then he hands her to me. I tell Bo to take a seat, so He can hold her.I take a picture of him holding her, then Isaiah goes next, then Wyatt, and Tate. I post the picture that Laurie took on Twitter, with the caption " Today Katherine 'Katie' Jade Bryan was welcomed into the world " Once the boys have all held her, Danielle is holding her, when Michael and Sarah  enter the room. Sarah holds her first, then Michael. She gets handed back to me, that's when Sarah and Michael tell us that they're expecting. We congratulate them, but our conversation is cut short by the nurse saying it's time to feed Katie. Kandice takes the boys with her out to the waiting room. After Katie is fed, she falls asleep. Danielle and I sit there talking about our perfect family that is finally complete.

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