Chapter Forty-nine

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(May 27th)
Danielle's P.O.V.
Ryan went to work today, so Hannah is at the house, with the boys and I. She is due anyday now, so Ryan doesn't want her to be alone. The boys turned a year old 2 days ago, it doesn't even seem possible. But I guess it is, since I'm due in less than two weeks. I'm upstairs with the boys, when I hear Hannah yell upstairs to me "Danielle, Michael's here" I grab both of the boys, and we head downstairs. He looks like he needs to talk to me about something. I ask Hannah if she will take the boys to the kitchen so Michael and I can talk. He sits down on one couch, and I sit on the other. He says "If I didn't know better, I would say that someone is pregnant" I roll my eyes, and he laughs. He then says " I have some news" I raise my eyebrow, and wait for him to continue. He smiles and says "well, I met a girl, and I really like her. But I want your opinion on her, you usually are able to read people pretty well, and I want to make sure that the two of you get along" I laugh and say "Well, bring her by some night, for dinner. I have a feeling that her and I will get along better than Casey and I do" He chuckles, and gets up, gives me a hug and says that he has to go to work. He exits the house, and I hear the door to the kitchen open up. Hannah looks at me and says "lunch is ready" I get up as quickly as you can when you're this pregnant. We eat lunch, then I feed the boys and put them down for their afternoon nap. I come back down the stairs, to find Hannah in the living room. We both take a seat and watch tv. A few minutes later she says to me "If you don't mind my asking, what was Michael here for?" I turn to her and say "He met a girl, and he really likes her. He wants my opinion on her before he makes any big decisions." She laughs at that, but her laughing stops, and it turns into a cry. I know what's happening.Then she says it "My water just broke." I jump up, and go upstairs, and get the boys, her go bag, and the diaper bag. I help her out to the car, and then I buckle the boys up, and place the bags in the back. Once I start the engine, I call Ryan, and once he answers, I tell him Hannah is in labor, and he hangs up, so I guess he is on his way. I'm timing Hannah's contractions, and I'm holding her hand, so that way she can squeeze when she is in pain. I pull up to the front door, grab the boys, then go inside with Hannah, she is taken back into a room, while I go park the car. I see Ryan getting out of his car, and run into the hospital. I call Luke, and he tells me that he will be right here.

Luke's P.O.V.
Danielle calls me at work, which is unusual. I answer the phone, and she tells me that Hannah is in labor, so I tell the guys at the studio, that I have to cut it short for the day.I drive to the hospital, and find Danielle in the waiting room with the boys. I've only been here for a few minutes when Laurie, Steve, Ron, and Darlene all come in. Hannah's parents died in a car accident when she was younger, so it's just Ryan's parents here. Laurie is playing with the boys, when Ryan comes out to tell us that we can come back to see the baby. All of us crowd into the tiny room, to find Hannah, holding the baby. Ryan sits in the chair next to the bed, and they say "We would like you all to meet Aspen May" Hannah looks exhausted, and Ryan can't wipe the smile off of his face, she is going to be a daddy's girl. Laurie holds Aspen, then Ron does, then Danielle, next I do, and then Steve does, followed by Darlene.Ryan's parents leave, leaving the twins, Danielle, Ryan, Hannah and I. Ryan and Hannah say "Danielle, are you ready for a goddaughter?" Her eyes light up, and there is a knock on the door. A second later Michael sticks his head in the door. He comes in, and I let him have my seat so he can hold Aspen. Ryan then says "Michael, I can see you love your goddaughter as much as I love her" Danielle says to Michael "Looks like she's got some great god parents then" We all chuckle, then the nurse comes in and says it's time to feed Aspen, so we all exit the room. We will be back tomorrow.

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