Chapter Thirty-three

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(2 weeks later{skip the rest of the honeymoon.})
Danielle's P.O.V.
Luke and I have been home from the honeymoon for three days now.We just finished moving into the new house. Luke is in the studio today, so I'm home alone. I'm doing laundry, from the honeymoon. I'm just getting downstairs to the first floor, from the laundry room on the third floor. I hear someone knocking on the front door, I open it to see Kandice standing there. I open the door wide enough for her to get inside. She gives me a hug, and asks how the honeymoon was. I tell her how amazing it was,while we sit in the living room and talk about it, then I ask her if she wants a tour of the new house. She agrees, the first room we go into is the kitchen. It's huge. There is a island in the center with 5 bar stools on one side. On the other side of the island there is a wine fridge, four drawers and two cabinets. There is cabinets lining the walls. There is all brand new appliances. A double-oven, a huge double sink, a really big fridge. As well a dishwasher. There is a lot of storage in the kitchen. There is a pantry right next to the sliding glass doors that lead out back to the pool. There is also a bathroom, right next to the garage door. Next I take her into the dining room which has seating for 10 people. Just outside of the dining room is a door that leads downstairs to Luke's music room, and there is an office space down there, I take her down there after we go through the dining room. She's already seen the living room, because we sat in there and talked for a while. Next I take her up to the second floor, leading her into each of the bedrooms, which are all the same size, but are painted and decorated differently. Then I show her mine and Luke's bedroom. When we walk inside and her jaw drops. I laugh at that, because I had the same reaction. I'm still adjusting to the hugeness of this house, and all the property. I show her my closet, and she says to me "This is bigger than my bedroom" I laugh and say "I was surprised too. He really outdid himself." Next I take her to the master bath, and once we walk inside she says "he really thought of everything" I laugh, and we exit the bathroom, and I lead her out on the balcony which over looks the backyard and the pool, then I tell her that there is seating for 8 in the hot tub. Once we're finished out there, I take her up to the third floor. Which only has two rooms, the laundry room, and the exercise room. Now it's about 1 in the afternoon, so we head downstairs to the kitchen and I make us some lunch. After we're done, I take her out back to show her the pool, which has a pool house, which also is a guest house. So that way we have enough room for family and friends when there is a holiday. But I personally thought that the 8 bedrooms was more than enough but apparently not. I'm not complaining, because I love everything about this house. Even though it is a little bit too big.

Luke's P.O.V.
I had the first two days off, after we got home from the honeymoon. The honeymoon was perfect. Danielle and I have settled into the house, but we're both still adjusting, because it's a really big change. I'm glad that she likes it as much as I do. Last night, when Danielle went to make dinner, we spent twenty minutes just trying to find all of the things that she needed. Since we didn't put everyting into the cabinets, we didn't know where to find stuff. I've been at the studio for a few hours now, we're working on my new spring break album. Which means that Danielle and I will be going to Panama City Beach again. Once I'm finished at the studio, I order Chinese, because I'm in the mood for some. I love Danielle, and she's a good cook and all, but never try her Chinese food. I pick up some ice cream, then get the Chinese. then finally I head for home. The drive takes me twenty minutes. Once I get home, I yell to Danielle that I'm home, and that I brought dinner. I put the ice cream in the freezer, then fix both her and I a plate. I sit down at the island, and I hear footsteps come across the tile floor, I turn to my right, and Danielle smiles at me, and leans over giving me a kiss. I smile at her, and we both eat dinner. I tell her that I'm going to take a shower, and that she can join if she would like too. She accepts my offer, and we take a shower. Then once we're both dressed we sit downstairs on the couch, cuddled up under a blanket watching tv. I lean down, and plant a kiss on her forehead. She looks up at me and smiles. We go back to watching the show. A few minutes later, I feel her spinning my wedding band around on my finger. I look down at her, and she says "We really did it huh?" I smile and say "yes we did, and I couldn't be happier that we did." She looks up at me, smiles and gives me a kiss. Once the show is over, her and I head upstairs to our room. She sits on the bed reading a book, while I scroll through twitter. I lean over, and give her a kiss.Then place my phone on my nightstand, and turn out my lamp. I hear her close her book, then see her light go out. She cuddles up to me and places her head on my chest. It's quiet for a minute, then she says "Luke?" I say "yes?" Then she says the best thing that I have heard all day "I'm pregnant"

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