Chapter Fifty

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(June 7th)
Danielle's P.O.V.
Today is my due date. I can't wait to meet Tate, I know that Luke is just as anxious as I am. He's actually not in Nashville right now. He has a few shows in Texas. Kandice and Michael are staying at the house with me. I met Michael's girlfriend, and I actually like her.He did good. I have told him that,and I know that it makes him happy to have my approval.They've been together for about 5 months. I can tell that they really like each other, and I really hope that they last, because usually I don't get along with anyone he dates. She fits in with my family well, but she was kind of surprised that I was married to Luke Bryan. She had a mini fangirl moment. It was actually really funny. She asked Luke for a selfie, so that way people would believe her when she says that she met him. Kandice and I are making lunch, and Michael is keeping the boys busy. I hear the front door close, Hannah, Ryan and Aspen all enter the kitchen. Hannah is a natural mother. Ryan on the other hand, has no clue what to do. But when Aspen cries, you hand her to Ryan and she stops her crying. He is wrapped around her finger already. It's weird to see him like this, but honestly he has always been a big teddy bear. I make some more food for everyone, and we all sit down and eat. Michael volunteers to do the dishes, so the rest of us all go sit out by the pool, since it's a nice day outside today. Michael comes outside and joins us, within a few minutes, I feel it. I have a contraction, and I feel water run down my leg. I think that Kandice saw me wince in pain, because she ran in the house yelling "it's time" Michael helps me up, and takes the boys, running out to the car strapping them in. Hannah and Ryan help me into the passenger seat of my car, while Michael climbs into the drivers seat. Kandice hops into the back with my go bag, and the diaper bag. Ryan and Hannah follow us to the hospital, and while we were in the car, Kandice called Luke, to let him know that I was in labor, he said he will be here as soon as possible. I hear her hangup the phone, and call my mom. Then I hear her call my dad. Once we get to the hospital, a nurse comes out to the car with a wheel chair, and I see Hannah and Aspen get out of her car, they come inside with me. Once Kandice and Michael come in, Kandice answers the nurses questions. I ask her to stay in the room with me. Michael, Hannah, and Ryan take the boys. Dr.Johnson comes in and checks on me. She gives me epidural and tells me she will be back within an hour to see how dialated I am. I'm only 3 centimeters dialated right now. My contractions are 10 minutes apart. Kandice is sitting to my left, holding my hand, trying to calm me down. It's not really working since Luke isn't here. When Dr.Johnson comes in this time, my contractions are a minute apart, and I'm 8 centimeters dialated. She leaves the room and changes into scrubs. Kandice says that she would stay, but she can't handle it.Great, so now I'm all alone. That's when the door opens, and Hannah enters. She changes into scrubs, and comes back into the room. She stands to my left, holding my hand. She says to me "I knew that you wouldn't want to be alone" I go to say something, but all that comes out is a scream, because I had a contraction. Dr. Johnson tells me that I'm now fully dialated, and it's time to push. I squeeze Hannah's hand, and push as hard as I can. I don't hear crying, then Dr. Johnson says I need you to do that again. I do, and I still don't hear anything. I do this for about 30 minutes, before I finally hear crying. That's when Dr.Johnson says "wait you're not done" I say "What do yo-ahhhhhh" Well, there's another contaction. I thought I was only having one baby. She says "push" I do, and this time I hear crying. Hannah cuts both cords. Then they are both taken to be cleaned up. Dr. Johnson says to me "The reason why I didn't know you were having twins, was because of how the babies were positioned. You couldn't see both of them in the ultrasound" Hannah left to change out of her scrubs, and when she comes back into the room, I look at her and say "Thank you for coming in here. I didn't want to do it alone. If I was alone, and I had heard I was having twins again, that wouldn't have been a good thing" She laughs at the last part and I say "Well, when Luke gets here I have a lot of explaining to do" She laughs, and the door swings open to reveal Luke. I say "Hannah, can you give us a minute alone please" she nods, and leaves the room.

Luke's P.O.V.
I was in the middle of my show, when Kandice called. I ran off stage, and went to the airport.Lucky for me there was a flight leaving in 15 minutes. I called Kerrie and let her know what was going on. Only 3 hours, and I get to see Danielle and meet my son. This flight is taking forever. Once we land I run off of the plane, and get a taxi to the hospital. I get sent to Danielle's room, and she asks Hannah to give us a minute alone. She looks nervous, and she tells me to take a seat. She says "Well, Luke, you missed something bigger than expected." I'm so confused. She elaborates on that. She informs me that we had twins. TWINS?!?!?! She tells me what Dr.Johnson said. Well, it looks like we have another nursery to get ready. The door swings open, and the nurse comes in with the babies. She lets us know that they are both boys. So I have four sons. Danielle is right when it comes to the gender I guess. The nurse says she will give us a minute alone, to decide on a name. I say to Danielle "Well, this is a surprise." She laughs, then practically freaks out, when she realizes that we need another car seat, and stuff. I laugh and tell her that it is all under control.I look down at my son in my arms and say "He looks like a Wyatt" She smiles and says "I like it. Wyatt Hudson Bryan" I nod my head and say "perfect"We swap babies, and I hold Tatum. The nurse enters the room,and asks for the names. "Tatum Christopher Bryan, and Wyatt Hudson Bryan" I say. I tell Danielle that I will go get the family. The nurse takes the babies, to go finger print them and things. Hannah informs me that she didn't mention Danielle having twins. So once everyone is in the room,Danielle and I let them all know. They all reacted just as we expected. Danielle and I already have decided on god parents for Tatum, so we agree that they will be the same for Wyatt. Once the nurse comes in with the boys, Danielle holds Tate, and I hold Wyatt. Danielle says "Hannah, would you like to hold your godson Tatum Christopher?" She looks surprised, but agrees. Then I say "Michael, would you like to hold your godson Wyatt Hudson" He nods, and I hand him Wyatt. Then Hannah and Michael switch. Then everyone takes turns holding the babies, then they give us some alone time with the babies. The nurse eventually takes them, and Danielle falls asleep. I send Hannah into the room, so that way when Danielle wakes up, Hannah will tell her that I went and got a carseat, and other things that Wyatt is going to need.

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