Chapter Forty-six

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(Skip the rest of the vacation)
Danielle's P.O.V.
Luke and I have been home for a week now, and we're back on tour. Now that the boys and I are more used to being on tour, I'm Luke's tour manager again. I've missed working to be honest. But since I'm working, we hired a nanny. We spend all day up until the show with the boys, she watches them while I work at night. Other than that, we have no need for a nanny. Luke has a show in Georgia tonight, so we're spending the day with his parents. His parents are going to watch the boys while we're at the show.LeClaire loves watching the boys, and so does Tommy. Since Luke is performing at home, he has arranged for a few surprise guests. Florida Georgia Line, Thomas Rhett, and Cole Swindell are all here tonight. They are each going to go out and do a song with Luke, then at the end, all do one song together. First to go out is Thomas Rhett. Him and Luke sing Sunburt Lips, because Thomas helped write it. Next to go out is Cole Swindell, him and Luke sing Roller Coaster, because Cole cowrote it. Last to go out and do a song with Luke is Florida Georgia Line, and they sing This Is How We Roll. Then all three of them go out, and cover Uptown Funk. That was amazing. They all did really well. This is one of my favorite shows that Luke has done since I've been his tour manager.The crowd is insane. Mainly because this is his homestate. Luke ends up going back out, and doing an encore. When he's doing his last song, he calls me out onstage, and he sings Out Like That to me. Once he pulls me in for a hug, I whisper into his ear "I love you" He gives me a kiss and we go off of the stage. I wrap him up in a hug and tell that, tonights show was amazing. He smiles at me and says "Well of course, you organized it" I roll my eyes and say "go take a shower, you're all sweaty." He smirks, and wraps me in a huge hug. I smirk and say "Well it looks like I need a shower too" I wink, and he raises his eyesbrows. We go and take a shower, in the bathroom of his dressing room once we're both dressed, we head to his parents house to pick up the boys. We talk with his parents for only a few minutes, because it's late. the boys have been asleep for a few hours, so we head back to the bus, and we put them out in their "room" it's a room that is right off of mine and Luke's, so that way we get there quickly if we have too. Once we change into our pajamas and climb into bed, I have my head on his chest, and I'm looking up into his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes, and he's looking down at me. I smile at him and say "Luke, I'm pregnant"

Luke's P.O.V.
Danielle's pregnant. That means that we're having another baby. I lean down and kiss her. I say "honey, that's great." she smiles while looking up at me and says "I'm going to be a mom again" I smile and say " I know, and I'm going to be a dad again" she nods her head and I say "I bet it's going to be a girl this time" She laughs and says "I don't think so" I smile and say "I guess that we will find out" she says "I guess we will" I say "if it's a girl, can we name her Katherine, and call her Katie?" she smile at me and says "I like that, Katherine Jade Bryan" I say "perfect" Then Danielle says "but if it's another boy, Tatum Christopher Bryan and we can call him Tate" I say "I like it, but I'm saying it's going to be a girl." She shakes her head and says "Goodnight Luke, Love you" I kiss her forehead and say "I love you too, goodnight" It's so going to be a girl.

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