Chapter Forty-eight

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(2 months later)
Danielle's P.O.V.
Well, we announced the pregnancy when Ryan and Hannah announced theirs, and everyone was excited. I guess that you can say everyone was kind of surprised that Luke and I are ready as soon as we are. But we are, the boys are now 8 months old. Luke and I are currently in the doctors office, waiting to find out the gender of the baby. We get called back, and Dr.Johnson comes into the room quickly. When she comes in to the room, she says "Well Mr. and Mrs. Bryan, are you ready to find out what you're having?" Luke and I both nod our heads yes, and he grabs onto my free hand. I pull up my shirt, and she puts the gel on my stomach. She slowly moves the wand around, and says "Well, congratualtions, it's another boy" I turn to my left and look at Luke and say "I told you so" He laughs and says "Yes you did" He kisses me, and says "well, I guess I should listen to you when it comes to the babies" I laugh, and so does Dr.Johnson. Dr.Johnson talks to us for a few minutes, then we leave. Luke and I decided that we're going to do the same thing that we did last time, paint the nursery, the day that we find out the gender, we are still keeping the gender a secret, so we head to Lowes and pick out some paint. We decide on a light blue, and after we get the paint, we head to Baby's R Us, and get some decorations for Tate's room. The boys are staying with Ryan and Hannah for the night, they said that they want some practice with babies before they have their daughter in three months. A few weeks ago, they found out that they were having a baby girl, they didn't want to keep it a secret. Ryan was really hoping for a boy, but I know that he is happy that they're having a girl.Next week, Hannah is having a baby shower, and that's when they're going to tell everyone what the baby's name is going to be. After we finish Tate's nursery, Luke is supposed to help Ryan paint a room at their house. Luke and I go home, and change into clothes for painting. I turn on some music on my phone, and we begin to paint.

Luke's P.O.V.
We're having another boy. I can't wait to meet him. Tatum Christopher Bryan. We decided that we want to paint his bedroom light blue. We get the decorations, and the paint then head home to work on it. Ryan wants my help painting their daughters room, so tomorrow I'm going to go over there and help him paint the room. Danielle and I get ready to start painting, and within a few hours, we have Tate's room finished. We decide to take a shower, then I tell her that I'm going to take her out for dinner, so we both get dressed, and then head out the door. We head downtown, and go into a restaurant, and we order. We keep talking about the baby, and the boys. Danielle starts telling me a story, and I just zone out, How did I get so lucky? Why does she put up with me? If someone told me 3 years ago, that I would be married, and be expecting my third child, I would've laughed at that. When I look back on everything these past few years, I wouldn't change a thing. Everything is how I want my life to be.I guess Danielle must have asked me a question, because I hear her say "Luke?" I shake my head and she laughs, and I say "Why do you put up with me?" She giggles and says "Because you're worth it" I smile at her, and take her hand, placing a kiss on it.

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