Chapter Fifty-two

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Danielle's P.O.V.
Well, Luke is currently on tour. He left about 3 months ago, he has only been home twice, and it was for Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I've gotten used to taking care of the boys on my own, and it's actually not that bad. Tate and Wyatt are 7 months old, which means that Isaiah and Bo are over a year and a half old. I was in for it at first. Since Bo and Isaiah can walk, they were opening cabinets and getting into everything. After the first week I had, had enough of them getting into whatever they could, so I got locks for the cabinets as well as baby gates, because they try to use the stairs. I have to be careful what I say around them, since they are talking, and sometimes they repeat after you. I dropped something, and I said shit, well Isaiah said it back to me. I was trying not to laugh, because I wasn't expecting it. The other day, Bo called Michael "dada" I was really surprised. But it kind of makes sense when you really think about it, since Michael is the only guy that they have seen in a while. I corrected Bo, and now he calls Michael "Unk Mi" It's cute, and funny. Everyone is as helpful as they can be, because they know that I'm overwhelmed. I talk to Luke on the phone for like 5 minutes every three days. It's understandable, since he is really busy on the road. I recently started school online, I'm getting a law degree. It's going to take me a while, but I'm willing to do it. Maybe by the time I'm done with school, Isaiah and Bo will be in kindergarten, so then they don't have to go to daycare. I miss Luke, a lot. But something is different with us now, I don't know what it is, but we aren't like we used to be. My thoughts are interuppted by my phone ringing. I look down to see that it's Luke. I answer the call, and he sounds really happy. He tells me that this weekend I'm flying out to spend the weekend with him, and that the boys are going to be with their grandparents. Now I can't wait for Saturday, I miss him. I hear the front door open, then I see Kandice walk into the kitchen. All of the boys are asleep, so we sit in the kitchen having a cup of coffee, just talking about everything. I miss spending a lot of time with her, but since I don't go on tour, I get to see her a lot more. She was surprised that I went back to school, but I think that she understands that I don't want to be a stay at home mom, and that I want to be home for the boys. I miss being on the road, and seeing Luke everyday, but with love you need to make some choices, and I did. I think that I made the right choice.

Luke's P.O.V.
I miss Danielle, a lot. I miss the boys a lot too. There is something going on with Danielle and I, it feels like it's distance, I don't like it. But what can you do? I chose to do this for a living, and I'm happy that I did. This weekend when Danielle comes to see me, maybe we can talk about what's going on between us and fix it.
(Skip to Saturday)
I pick Danielle up from the airport at 10, and we go out to breakfast. We talked about this distance between us, and I feel like since we discussed it, we're closer. I feel better knowing that we talked about it. I don't want to lose her, and I made that clear, and she said that she doesn't want to lose me. We both promised that no matter how hard things get with me gone on tour, that divorce is not an option.We love each other to much, to put ourselves through something that painful. We also don't want to put the boys through it. Today I don't have a show, so we're just going to spend the day together. We're going to the beach. Virginia Beach to be exact. Danielle and I spend the day acting like teenageers, mainly because we haven't seen each other lately, and we have alone time, so we are going to do whatever we want, since we don't care. It feels right to just have her in my arms again, I miss this. It's hard to fall asleep at night without Danielle laying next to me.At least for the next two days I can fall asleep with her in my arms.

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