Chapter Fifty-one

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Danielle's P.O.V.
Well, everyone is as surprised as we were that I had twins. I still can't belive it to be honest. But I guess I will get used to it soon. Luke has been working on the nursery for Wyatt all day. It's a light orange. Isaiah and Bo are confused on what's going on, but I think that they will realize that these two are here to stay. The twins are only 15 months old. They sort of know how to walk, and they say "Momma" or "dada" but other than that, they are still babies. I feel like we could've waited longer to try for another baby, but I'm not complaining. I love all of my boys. Four babies at once is tough. Especially since Isaiah and Bo are still really young too. I think that if all of the kids are close together in age, that it's easier. Ryan and I are a year and a half apart. Luke and I decided that we are going to wait a year before we try for another baby. So that way all of our kids won't be in diapers at once, as well as needing everything done for them.Wyatt and Tate both are like Isaiah and Bo when it comes to sleeping through the night, and not being fussy. Which makes this a lot easier on both Luke and I. My mom and LeClaire are here all the time, helping with the babies. I think that Hannah and Ryan are going to wait a while, before they have another baby, because they see how much work it is to have more than one to take care of at a time, let alone four. When Luke leaves for tour in two months, all of the boys and I are going to be staying home. Which sucks. We've also discussed that I'm going to go back to school, so that way I won't be on tour like Luke is. The boys need atleast one parent to be home everyday. I'm going to do online school, but I will eventually get a job that I go to everyday, So then the boys will be going to daycare. Today is Luke's last day off, before he has to go back to the studio,he has been going in for just a few hours, not a full day. This means that I will get used to taking care of the boys all on my own. At least Luke won't be out of town, so that way I won't be the only one home with the boys for weeks on end. Luke and I have almost been married for two years now. Speaking of marriage, Michael and Sarah are engaged. I'm happy for them. They're getting married next March. It's only August now, they want a long engagment. Which I actually think is a good thing. They've only been dating for seven months. I feel like they want to know that they are making the right choice on getting married. They come over a lot. Which is good, because I want my kids to know their uncle Michael,as well as Wyatt, and Tate to knowing their godfather. I can tell that Sarah wants kids, and I know that Michael wants them, so this way they get some exposure to babies before they have any.

Luke's P.O.V
I love being at home with everyone, but it's so stressful. I love Danielle a lot, but we've been fighting a lot. I know that it's just because 4 babies is a lot to handle. But she acts like I don't deal with it too, as well as coming into the studio and working here then going home after all of this to take care of the kids. I hate to say this, but I will be happy when tour starts. Hopefully, by then Danielle will have everything under control, and things will be back to normal. Maybe I can get my mom to take Isaiah and Bo for a few days, and Laurie to take Wyatt and Tate. So that way Danielle can come visit me on tour, and we will get some alone time. But that's still two months away. I will have to plan it out with my mom, and Lauire before then, and surprise Danielle with it. I finish up at the studio, I text Danielle on my way out that I am going to pick us up a pizza for dinner. I call and order that, and then I go get it. I come home, to all four children crying, and Danielle is running around, trying to make them all stop. I pick up Tate, and I check his diaper, I change that, then I check on Bo to see why he is crying. I think that he was trying to walk and fell and hit his head, because he has a bump. I sing to him, while rocking him back and fourth, until he falls asleep. I carry him upstairs, and place him in his crib. I turn on the baby moniter, and head back downstairs. Both Wyatt, and Isaiah have stopped crying. Danielle is holding Wyatt, and Isaiah is is his play pen. I take Wyatt from Danielle, and put him in his crib upstairs, because he is now asleep. I head back downstairs, Danielle is feeding Tate, before she puts him down for his nap. I pick up Isaiah, and carry him upstairs. I sit in the rocking chair in his room, and rock him back and fourth singing to him until he is finally asleep. I turn on his moniter, and close his door on my way out. I hear a door close behind me. I see that Danielle got Tate to sleep.She comes over to me, and gives me a kiss then we head downstairs to the kitchen. We eat pizza, then I tell her to go sit in the hot tub for a while, and relax, that I will take care of the boys for the rest of the night, so she can get some sleep. She is exhausted, and I don't blame her. I would be too.

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