Chapter Twenty

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I forgot to post a picture of Danielle's ring, so here you go.

(1 Day Later)
Danielle's P.O.V.
Well, tonight's our first night of Luke's new tour, we didn't leave Nashville for the show. So it's at Bridgestone Arena. Which means since all of my family and friends are in town, that they're going to be at the show tonight. I'm walking around, drinking coffee, when I feel two arms wrap around me, I turn around, coming face to face with Luke I plant a lingering kiss on his lips, and he says to me "Have you seen Kerrie today, to tell her about the engagement?" I say to him "I've been avoiding her, so that we can tell her together" He chuckles and he then says "it looks like the guys know what they're doing, so lets go find her and tell her the good news" I giggle, and grab his hand, locking our finger together. Once we get to Kerrie's bus parked out back of the arena, I knock on the bus door, and we enter. Kerrie gives us a questioning look, because both of us are still smiling. Luke says "well, Danielle and I have something to tell you" She says "okay, shoot" I hold up my left hand, and Luke and I say in unison, "we're engaged" She squeals a little, which is unusual for Kerrie, then she engulfs the two of us in a hug, congratualting us. Next she says "Well, let me see the ring" I laugh, sticking out my left hand, for her to examine the ring. Once she gets a good look, she looks at Luke and says "You did good, I'm a little surprised" He chuckles and says "Well, I didn't do it alone" I give him a puzzling look and he says "Her best friend,Kandice helped me. She knew that Danielle likes cushion cut diamonds" I laugh and say "well, I will have to thank her later" Luke and I leave Kerrie's bus, he heads off to the VIP acoustic show, and I start walking back to the arena. I'm halfway across the parking lot when I hear "Danielle Marie Keays, don't you walk away from me" I stop, and turn around, to see Michael, and Ryan walking across the parking lot. I laugh, as they jog over to me. Ryan give me a hug first, then Michael does. We walk to the arena making small talk, then I show them part of what I do for a living. Once I'm done, I text Luke telling him that I went out to get dinner with Ryan and Michael, and that we will be back before the rest of my family gets to the arena. We go out, and enjoy our dinner together, and get back to the arena, so I can get a coffee, and get changed for the show, then get to meet up with Luke.

Luke's P.O.V.
Danielle and I share the news with Kerrie, then I'm off to the VIP show. Once I leave there, I pull out my phone to see what Danielle is doing before the show. Once I unlock it, I see that I have a text from Danielle saying that she is going to go have dinner, with her brothers. Well, that means that I'm going to go hangout with the guys. I get on their bus, and I'm bombarded with a whole bunch of "Did you do it('s)?" and some "Did she say yes('s)?" I take a minute, and look up at all of them and say "She said yes" One by one, I get a pat on the back, from each of them, and congrats man. All of the guys accept for Carter are going out for dinner, so they all leave the bus, so Carter and I sit down, and catch up on things. We come to the topic of the engagement, and I say to Carter "So, how do you feel about being my best man?" He looks at me says "I'll do it, if Danielle puts in a good word for me to some of her single friends" I chukle and say "consider it done" We go back to talking about other things, and my phone goes off. I check it, and I see that it's Danielle letting me know that she's back, and that she picked up some of her friends on the way. I look at Carter and say "Well, Danielle's back, and she has some friends with her. Wanna come find them with me?" He nods and we leave the bus. I find Danielle and her friends, over by our bus. I walk up to her, greeeting her with a kiss, and grab her hand. I introduce Carter to who he doesn't know, and he and Kelsey go sit down, and start talking. Maybe I don't have to put in a good word for him. Danielle, Ryan, Michael, Jolyssa,Kandice, Gabby and I all go sit down over where we have all of the chairs set up, and we all sit there, getting better aquainted with each other. After about 10 minutes, the girls start their own converstaion with each other, and the guys and I start one of our own. Ryan and I end up inviting Michael on the hunting trip with us. I ask the guys to be groomsmen, I do it quietly, so that way it will be a surprise for Danielle, I know that it will mean a lot to her, so I figured that I should. I get along pretty well with them, so it shouldn't be a problem. By the time the rest of Danielle's friends, family, and some soon to be family show up, it's time for me to hit the stage, and Danielle to start working. At the end of the show, I start making a speech, and I call Danielle out onto the stage. I didn't tell her that we were going to announce our engagement, onstage, but I know that she will be okay with it. Once she reaches me I whisper into her ear "Are you okay with us announcing our engagement this way, and this soon?" She nods, and I turn to the crowd and say "Well, I would like to intoduce all of you to my beautiful girlfriend Danielle, we have an announcement for y'all" The crowd irrupts with screams, and Danielle and I look at each other, as I move the microphone in between us, and we both say "We're engaged" The crowd gets even louder, and I lean down, and plant a kiss on her lips.

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