Chapter Twenty-three

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Danielle's P.O.V.
I wake up wrapped in Luke's arms, he had to come into bed after me, he wasn't here when I got back. I slip out of his grasp, and grab some clothes and take a shower. I grab my purse, and the keys to Luke's truck, and head to Starbucks for some coffee. I get both Luke and I something. I arrive at the bus, and go inside and sit down to watch some tv. I don't have to help set up since we're still in Panama City Beach. I hear the bathroom door open, and Luke comes out. He grabs the coffee and sits down next to me on the couch. I reach over, grab the remote then shut the tv off. I turn to him and say "Wanna tell me why you're ignoring me?" He sighs and says "Danielle, hear me out." I tense up a little bit and say to him "Okay, what's up?" He says "Yesterday, Carter and I went to the beach with the band, and we played volleyball, then went swimming for a little while. We went swimming with two girls that we played volleyball with, while we were swimming, one of them kissed me." I feel like I'm going to cry. I stand up, but Luke grabs my hand and says "I'm not done." I sigh and sit down and he says "I pushed her off of me, I didn't kiss back. I freaked out on her, and if you don't believe me, ask Carter" I say to him "Luke, as long as you didn't kiss back , I'm not upset with you. I promise." He then says to me "I was too upset to tell you last night, I vented to Kerrie, and she told me that it was a good idea to cool off before I told you this, because if you didn't take this well, then I probably would've over reacted." I giggle a little and say "Well, I'm glad that you told me" He smiles and says "I haven't had a kiss from my gorgeous fiance in almost a day,so how about you fix that?" I smile and lean over to give him a kiss. Then I say to him "I have an idea on what we should do today, since you don't have a show for a few hours, and I don't have to set up" He says "Now what would that be?" I smile and say "Plan out some of our wedding" He smiles, and reaches over grabbing my laptop, and my hand so we can move to the kitchen table, and look at some things. We end up picking out a venue, a date, our wedding colors, and fill out a guest list. Our wedding is going to be two weeks after tour finishes, so our wedding is in six months. September 20th, I become Mrs. Bryan in front of 200 of our closest friends and family.

Luke's P.O.V.
Once I tell Danielle everything, she forgave me,I couldn't be any happier. I honestly don't know what I would've done if she didn't forgive me. Danielle and I decide to plan our wedding a little bit today. We decide on a date 6 months from now. She has 6 bridesmaids, and I have 6 groomsmen. I say to her "I have a surprise for you, it has to do with the wedding" She scrunches her eyebrows at me then asks "What is it?" I smirk and say "I may or may not have asked Ryan and Michael to be my groomsmen" She squeals a little bit and says "You didn't!?!?!?!?" I smirk and say "But I did" She hugs me, then leans up to give me a kiss. I smile at her, then tell her that I'm going to take a shower, so that way I will be ready for the show. Danielle tells me that she is going to call her mom and tell her that we set a date for the wedding. I chuckle, then get up to go take a shower. I get dressed, while I'm getting dressed I hear Danielle on the phone out in the living room area, I hear her say "I know, I can't wait, you need to let the rest of the girls know that they need to book a flight to NYC for when we go dress shopping" I smile to myself, and I keep picturing Danielle in a wedding dress, becoming my wife. I walk out of the bathroom, place my clothes in the bedroom, then I walk out to the kitchen area and sit down. I hear Danielle say that she will talk to them later. She turns to me and says "So, what do you want to do today?" I smile and say "I think that we should go get some ice cream, then go for a walk along the beach" She smiles and says "sounds like a plan" I get up, and grab my keys. We exit the bus, then climb into my truck, and drive to the ice cream place. We order, then take a seat. We sit there making small talk, eating our ice cream. We start talking about the wedding again, and Danielle says to me "So where are we gonna go for our honeymoon?" I smile and say "I know, but I'm not going to tell you. I want it to be a surprise." She glares at me and says "That's not fair" I say "yes it is, I can't see your wedding dress until the wedding, so you don't get to find out where we are going until we get there" She says "ugh, you and your damn surprises." I smile at her, and we finish eating our ice cream, then take our walk. We head back to the area where the buses are parked, and we get ready for the show. I fell asleep with Danielle in my arms, while I sat there planning out details of our honeymoon.

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