Chapter Thirty-eight

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Danielle's P.O.V.
Today Luke and I go to the Doctors and find out what gender the baby is. He still thinks that it's a girl, but I have a feeling that it's a boy.I guess that we're going to find out in a few hours. It's 8 right now, and my appointment is at 9:30. I get out of bed, and take a shower. Then I get dressed. I wake up Luke so he can take a shower while I make us some breakfast. I make some coffee. I've cut back to one cup a day, at first it killed me, but now I'm used to it.I make us some bacon, and pancakes. Every once and a while I get a craving for pancakes but most of the time we eat waffles for breakfast. Luke comes downstairs, right as I'm placing our plates on the island. I set my glass of orange juice down, along with the butter, syrup, silverware, and his cup of coffee. We eat, talking about how excited we are to find out the baby's gender. Once we're done, Luke puts the dishes in the dishwasher and turns that on, and I put the rest of the things away. I grab my purse, and my phone. Then we head out to his truck. Today after we find out the gender of the baby, we're going to go to Lowe's, and get paint for the baby's room. As well as decorations to match the paint. We get to the doctors, and they call us back into the room quickly, mainly because it's a weekday, and not that many people are there. Dr.Johnson comes in and greets us. She asks if we want to know the gender. I pull up my shirt, and she puts the gel on, and she moves the wand around. Then she says "Mr. and Mrs. Bryan it looks like you're having twin boys" I look at her and say "Twins?!?!" She chuckles and says "Yes, twins" I Look at Luke and he looks shocked. Thank god it's not just me. She moves the wand around more, making it so that we can see both of the baby's. I feel Luke grab on to my hand, and she moves it around more. Once she's done, she wipes the gel off of my stomach, and I pull my shirt back down. I stand up, and Luke trails behind me, once we get into the truck we both just sit there. The truck isn't running, and Luke and I sit there in silence. After a minute, he looks over at me and says "Two babies, that just makes me even more excited" He smiles, and I smile back at him and say "Twins, wow. I wasn't expecting that, but oh well. I'm excited to meet both of them" He smiles and says "ready to go get paint for the nurseries?" I smile and say "Let's do it" A few seconds later I say "I knew that we were having a boy, but I wasn't expecting boys" He laughs and says "I guess it mothers instincts" I laugh and say "Maybe" We pull up to Lowe's and go inside. We decide on a light gray, and a light green. Once we leave there we head to Baby's R Us. We get two cribs, and get bedding that will match the paint.As well as two changing tables, and two of everything else that we need.

Luke's P.O.V.
Wow, twins. I did good. I was so surprised when she said twins. I thought I heard her wrong, but I guess not. I was in shock for a few minutes, but it was for a good reason.Once we get into the truck, we sit there in silence. We're both just trying to wrap our heads around it I guess.Finally once I say something, I see the relief on Danielle's face. But she still looks a little bit nervous, I can't blame her. I'm nervous too. We go to Lowe's, and get paint, and things that we will need for painting. Then we head to baby's R Us. Once we get done there, we head home. We eat some lunch, then Danielle says to me that she wants to start painting the nurseries. So we have to pick two bedrooms to paint, we pick the ones closest to our bedroom, the two bedrooms are right across from each other. We turn on some music, and I paint the walls, while Danielle does the trim. She finishes the trim, when I'm starting my third wall. We decide that we want to take a break for a little while. We sit in the seat by the bay window. She says to me "I think that on Christmas, we should tell everyone that we're having twins, but not tell them the gender" I smile and say "Yeah, I like that idea. We should have the nurseries finished then, since these doors lock, and we have a key to them, we will lock them so that way no one can see the color to figure out the gender" She laughs and says "Good plan, because Ryan is nosy" I laugh, and I say to her, "I know what we should name one of the twins, how about I name one and you name one?" She smiles and says "okay, what were you thinking for one of them?" I smile and say "Thomas Boyer Bryan, we can call him Bo" She smiles and says "I love it" I smile and say "Do you have any name ideas?" She smiles and says "Isaiah Preston Bryan, Preston was my grandpas name, and most of the boys in the family have either Lewis or Preston as a middle name, so I figured we should carry on the tradition." I smile and say "I think it's perfect" Well now that we have the names picked out, it makes it one less thing to worry about. We go back to painting, and we finish this room today, this is the light gray room. We decide that this will be Isaiah's room, and the one across the hall with be Bo's room. We are going to paint that room tomorrow.

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