Chapter Twenty-five

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Luke's P.O.V.
I imagine that Danielle went shopping instead of coming to the show, so once my show is done, I don't text her or anything. She needs her girl time. Tonight the show was great. I still can't believe that I sold out Madison Square Garden three nights in a row. Me. I did that. I guess that you can say I'm living the dream. I am doing what I love, I have the best friends and family anyone could ask for, and I have found the love of my life.If I could marry her today, I would. At least I get to marry her in two months, that's better than never.I just want her to become Mrs.Danielle Bryan. I'm so ready for her to see her wedding present, and to see where we're going for our honeymoon. I'm also really excited to just see her in her wedding dress. I'm ready to hear her say I do, and slide the ring on my finger. I'm broken from my thoughts, by Carter coming up to me and asking me if I want to go out with him and the rest of the band. I agree, and go back to reality.

Danielle's P.O.V.
Kandice and I are the only girls out of the group that wanted to go shopping, the rest went back to watch Luke's show. We take a taxi downtown, and start shopping. We shop for a few hours before we head back to the hotel. Luke's show won't be over for another hour or so, so I went up to Kandice's room, and we sit there talking. It's been silent for a few minutes when I sit up and say to her, "Kandice, I don't even know if marrying Luke is the right thing to do anymore." She sits up and looks at me, with wide eyes. Then she says "Why would you say that?" I say 'Well, I guess you could say that Michael has something to do with it,I never told you how him and I left things off" She looks concerned, and she says "go on" I sigh and say "Well, remember how there was a going away party for me the night before I left for Nashville?" She nods her head, and I continue "Michael came up to me at the party, and said that he needed to talk to me about something, privately. So him and I went for a walk. At first we just talked about everything in general, then he stopped, and reached for both of my hands and looked me right in the eyes and said "I love you" as you know I had feelings for him.I told him that I loved him too, and then we kissed." Her eyes look like they're going to fall out of her head. She says to me "Why didn't you tell me????" I shrug my shoulders, and continue on "After him and I pulled away, he asked me to stay in New York, but I told him that I couldn't, Nashville was my dream, I couldn't give it up. I told him that if it didn't work out, that I would come home. He didn't take that too well. We walked back to the party in silence, but he had his hand locked with mine the whole time, a tight grip almost like he didn't want to let go. To be honest I didn't want him to let go. The next day was when I was leaving for Nashville. I got up, and I was putting the last few things in my car, and saying my goodbyes to my family when he pulled in the driveway." She has all of her attention focused on me, I don't blame her, because if she was telling me this, I would be really into it too. Next I say "He asked my parents for minute alone with me, and they gave it to him. Once they had left he told me that he was going in the Marines, and that if once he came back, and I wasn't in Nashville, and not seeing anyone, that he wanted to give it a shot.I told him, to come find me once he came home, no matter where I was because maybe things would work out. And well he did come find me, at my engagement party. Him and I talked alone before I brought him inside, and he told me that he didn't have anyone special in his life, that he was still looking for the right one, and that he thought he found her, but she got away." At this point I'm in tears, I'm so confused, and I just needed to finally tell someone about all of this. She gives me a hug and says "What is your heart telling you?" I tell her that I don't know anymore, I love Luke, but at the same time, I love Michael, and that there has always been something there between Michael and I, and that there always will be something there.She goes to say something, but before any words come out, there is a knock on the door. She gives me a little smile, and goes to open the door, and I see Michael walk into the room.

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