Chapter Twenty-two

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Danielle's P.O.V.
Today is our first day in Florida, it's Spring Break, we're in Panama City for three shows. Luke wants me to go to the beach with him, once we finish getting set up.I grab another cup of coffee, and head off to finish what I have to, so we can go to the beach together. Once I'm done, I go back to mine and Luke's bus, and throw on my bathing suit, then put some towels, and other things you need for the beach into a bag. I text him, and ask if he is ready to go, while I'm waiting for his reply, I turn on the t.v. I must've fallen asleep, because the next thing that I remember is being shaken awake. I slowly open my eyes, to see Kerrie standing there. She says to me "It's not time for a nap, Luke's show starts in five minutes." I nod, and apologize, and run into mine and Luke's room, to change out of my clothes for the beach. I change, and step off the bus. Kerrie is waiting for me outside of the bus. She takes me back stage, and hands me my headset, and I say over the walkie talkie, "Luke to the stage now" I guess he heard me, because I see him go out onto the stage. I pull out my phone, and I don't have a response from Luke, from when I asked if he was ready to go to the beach. I shake my head, and slip my phone into my pocket, and put my attention back into the show. Luke's show is a breeze tonight, the crowd is great,mainly because it's full of drunk college kids. Once he finishes his set, he walks right past me, and doesn't even acknowledge me. Whatever. I help the crew pack away what they need to for the night, since we're going to be here for two more nights. Once we finish, I go back to the bus, and take a shower. I get out, and change into some shorts, and a flowy tanktop, I think I'm going to ask Kerrie if she wants to have a girls night. I text her and ask if she's up to it, she agrees, and I head over to her bus. We start walking down the boardwalk, going into some shops, and looking at some dresses. I get two, and she gets a few also. Next we go get some fried dough, and sit at some table and chairs that are set up on the boardwalk by the water. We've been here for a few minutes, when she says to me "any wedding plans yet?" I smile and say "Uhm, well my mom wants me to go dress shopping when we're in New York for the show, she said that me her and some of my friends are going to Kleinfelds, but I know that I want tan to be the color of the suits, with dark purple bridesmaid dress but other than that, no" She laughs a little and says "I'm not trying to be nosy or anything, but what's going on with you and Luke? He didn't even pay attention to you after the show tonight, and wasn't with you before the show" I sigh and say "I don't know, we had a really important conversation about our future last night, and he was fine after that, so I don't know what his problem is" She nods and says "well, give him some time hun" I nod, and say "I will, that's part of the reason why we're having a girls night" she nods. We finish up our fried dough, and we keep walking down the board walk.

Luke's P.O.V
I told Danielle that once she was done with work, that we will go to the beach, and spend some time together. I get up early, but she still is already out there setting up. I get ready to head out, and Carter comes through the door, he tells me that him and the guys are heading to the beach, and wanted to know if I wanted to go. I told him sure, and threw on some swimming trunks, and left the bus. Once we get there, Carter and I threw the football for a while, then we were asked to go play volleyball. We got the rest of the band to come too. We played volleyball for pretty much the rest of the afternoon. The girls on the other team, can over to Carter and I after we finished our game, and we all went swimming afterwards. Then before I relized what was happening, Kendra had her lips on mine. I push her off of me lightly, because I don't want to hurt a girl. Then I started freaking out on her. "What the fuck are you doing? I'm getting married.Do you not watch the news? Do you live under a fucking rock? Honestly, what did I do to make you think I want you? I didn't think I did anything. ANYTHING. AND IF I DID, I DIDN'T MEAN TOO. THE ONLY PERSON I WANT TO KISS IS MY FIANCE! THAT'S RIGHT, I'M GETTING MARRIED. AND IF SOMEONE GOT YOU KISSING ME ON CAMERA, YOU FUCKING RUINED IT ALL." Carter looks like his eyes are going to fall out of his head. There are people on the beach staring, but I don't care. If someone saw her kiss me, that could mean that Danielle thinks that I cheated on her. I would never do that, I love her too much. Carter comes over to me, and tells me that we're going to leave now. Once we're out of the water, Carter tells me that I took things too far.We get back to my truck, and head back to the buses. The ride was silent. Once we're back to the arena, I get out of my truck, and slam the door shut. I go onto mine and Danielle's bus, grab some clothes, then head into the bathroom for a shower. I peel off my clothes, and sit down, on the shower floor. I just let the water hit me, hoping that this will help me relax. I sit there for a while, and think things over. Once I'm done thinking, I finish up, then get out to get dressed. I exit the bathroom, and walk passed Danielle who is asleep on the couch. I bend down and place a kiss on her head. I feel the tears well up in my eyes. I grab my phone and exit the bus. I will tell her tomorrow, I need to calm down. I see Danielle had texted me, I ignore it, then go find Kerrie, and vent to her. Once I tell her everything, she agrees that I need to wait to tell Danielle, once I'm calmed down. I avoid Danielle for the rest of the night. I didn't give this show my all, I didn't even want to perform.

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