Chapter Forty-two

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(Skip to May 25th)
Danielle's P.O.V.
I'm five days over due, Luke and I are so anxious to meet the boys. Ryan, Hannah, my mom, and Steve all moved to Nashville in February. My mom, Hannah and Kandice are all over at the house, and they have been since about a week before I was due, so that way they will be here for when my water breaks. Luke has been by my side, we're practically attached at the hip. But right now he's actually at the airport, picking up his parents, Jolyssa, and Gabby. Everyone is anxious to find out the gender, and Luke and I are having fun with the fact that it's a secret to them. I just want to hold my boys, and take our first family picture as parents. Luke arrives with everyone, and I'm in the kitchen making dinner. He comes out to the kitchen to greet me when it happens. I look at him and I shut the oven off. He looks at me, and says "what's wrong?" that's when I wince in pain. He starts panicing, "Can you push them back in until we get to the hospital?" I say "Luke, get my bag, and get in the car." All of the girls realize what is happening, and they help me into the car. They all get into the back, and Luke's father, and the rest of the guys are trailing behind him. They all get into Ryans car, while Luke runs to my car, and climbs into the drivers seat. We drive really fast, and the whole time, I'm in pain, pretty much screaming the whole ride. We pull up to the hospital, and Luke rushes inside, then comes back out with a wheel chair, and a nurse. My mom parks the car, while we go inside. The nurse starts asking Luke questions, and he just stands there, not sure what to say. My mom comes in and answers the nurses questions, and fills out the paper work. Dr.Johnson comes into the room, and says "You're 5 centimeters dialated, do you want epidural? If you get any more dialated, then you can't get epidural" I tell her yes to the epidural, and she leaves the room after she gave it to me, as soon as she walks out the door, I have another contraction. Now they're really close together, Luke is keeping track of how far apart they are. Within the next minute, Dr.Johnson comes back in, and she's wearing her scrubs, and she gives Luke some, because now I'm 8 centimeters dialated. He's back in the room, for about half hour, then she tells me that it's time to push. I do, and I hear crying. She shows me the baby, then says that the other baby is right behind him, so I need to push again, and this time I don't hear crying. She says "Okay, one more" I try my hardest, and this time I hear crying. Thank god. Now the pain is over with. Luke cuts both of their cords, and the nurses take the babies, to go get cleaned up. Luke kisses me on the forehead and tells me that I did great. He says that he will go get the family. He comes back with my mom, Ryan, Hannah,Kandice, his parents, and Steve. Luke and I tell them, that both were boys.

Luke's P.O.V.
I just got back from the airport, when Danielle says that it's time. The babies come quick. They're both born within three hours of labor. We inform the family of the gender, and the nurse comes in with the babies, and I take one, and Danielle takes the other. The nurse asks for the names I look down and say "This one is Thomas Boyer Bryan" The nurse smiles and says "Perfect, Mrs.Bryan what's your other sons name?" Danielle smiles and says "Isaiah Preston Bryan" The nurse smiles, and writes that down. Laurie takes out her phone, and takes a picture of the both of us holding the babies. After a few minutes, Danielle and I agree that our mothers probably would like to hold them, my mom holds Bo, and Laurie holds Isaiah. Then they switch. After they hold them, I look at Ryan and say "would you like to hold your godson?" He looks kind of surprised, and says "are you serious?" Danielle and I both nod in agreement. Ryan takes a seat, and my mom hands him Isaiah. Then Danielle says "Kandice, wanna hold one of your god sons?" She smiles and says" yes." Laurie hands her Bo. After a while, my mom, and Laurie leave. Then Kandice and Ryan switch, taking a turn holding their other godson. After a while, now it's my dad and Steve's turn to hold the babies. They switch, and then pass them back to us .Jolyssa, Gabby come in. Gabby and Jolyssa each hold one, while I sit here talking to Danielle. I hold Bo, while Hannah holds Isaiah. Then I hold Isaiah next. While Hannah holds Bo. The girls leave, because the nurse comes in and tells Danielle that it's time to feed the babies. Once they eat, they fall asleep. Danielle and I sit there quietly talking, while they're asleep. A few minutes later, the door opens, and Michael enters. Danielle looks at me and says "I told him that he can see them when they're born, but after that not until him and Casey cut ties" I nod, and he holds Isaiah. Then he holds Bo. We talk with him a few minutes, he tells us that Casey is having a girl, then Danielle tells him, that since he's seen the babies, it's time to leave. I can tell that hurt him to be kicked out, but oh well. A few minutes later, Ron and Darlene enter the room. they take turns holding both of the babies, and let us have some alone time with the boys.

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