Chapter Forty-three

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(3 months later)
Danielle's P.O.V.
Luke is on tour currently, and the boys and I are with him. He has a different tour manager, until the boys are a little bit older, because we figured that it would be easier this way. The boys are great. They sleep through the night, and they don't cry or fuss a lot. They don't even mind baths. We got lucky. The other night, Luke and I were talking about how we're going to want more than three kids which we origianlly discussed having. We're thinking 5, because I like having babies around. Which also means that Luke gets to be home for a few months. Luke and I are talking about trying for another baby starting next month, which would mean that the twins would be about a year when the other baby is be born. I think that we could handle that, since Luke would have a few months off, which would help me out a lot. Ryan and Hannah are getting married at the end of this month, which is really exciting. I'm a bridesmaid in the wedding, but that's not the only reason why I'm excited, because they're getting married, then everyone in the family will finally have met the twins at the wedding. Luke is a groomsmen in the wedding, so his parents are going to watch the boys until we're at the reception. LeClaire and Tommy are going to be at the wedding, which makes it easier for us, because then we won't have to leave to go get them. Ryan told me that he wants some pictures of him and the boys together at the wedding, so I have to find them some suits. Which makes me excited, because I love shopping for baby clothes.Tonight Lukes show is in Maine, since it's the summer, we're going to the beach for the day. While we're getting out of the car, my phone starts ringing. I look and see that it's Michael. I help Luke put the boys into the stroller, then I tell him that I will come find them, that I have to make a quick phone call. I call Michael back, and when he answers, he says "this is the first time that you have called me back." I don't say anything. and a few seconds later I hear him say "Danielle, Casey had the baby, and it's not my mine." I laugh at that and say "Who's the slut now?"He chuckles at that and says "So when can I see my nephews?" I say "Well, you're going to be at Ryan's wedding in two weeks, so then you can. Because I'm on tour with Luke right now. We're in Maine, and him and the boys are waiting for me at the beach, so I have to go" we say goodbye, then I go find my boys.

Luke's P.O.V.
Once we got to the beach Danielle's phone started going off. She let it go to voicemail, then once the boys were both in the stroller, she tells me that she will meet up with us in a few minutes. She finds us about 10 minutes later. She sits down and looks at me and says "Casey had her baby, that was Michael on the phone." I nod my head and she says "Here's the good part, the baby isn't even Michael's, he didn't trust her so he had a paternity test done." I laugh at that and whisper "Who's the slut now?" She laughs and looks at me then says "That's what I said to him on the phone. I laugh and say "great minds think alike" She smiles at me and says "that they do" she leans in and kisses me. Then we go back to playing with the boys a little, and we stay here for 3 hours, and then go get some lunch. We feed the boys, then head back to the arena so I can get ready for the show. Tonight, during the show I look over to the side of the stage, and see my boys with their headphones on, and Danielle pointing at me saying "There's daddy" I love my family, and I don't think that I could've picked someone better to start family with. I finish out the night with Out Like That. I look at Danielle the whole time that I'm singing it. After the show, I shower, and climb into bed with Danielle. The boys each have a little crib on different sides of our bed. That way they're in here with us. Once I climb into bed Danielle puts her head on my chest, and I lock our fingers together, and she says to me "My mom called me while you were in the shower, and wants to know if she can take the boys for a week starting the night of the wedding, so that way we can have some alone time." I smile at her and say "that sounds perfect." Once she falls asleep, I pull out my phone, and book us a vacation, so that way we really have some alone time. I will have Kandice pack a suitcase for Danielle, so it's a surprise that we're going on vacation. I fall asleep, excited for our trip in just about two weeks.

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