Chapter Forty-seven

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(Thanksgiving Day, Isaiah and Bo's first Thanksgiving)

Danielle's P.O.V.
Today Luke and I are announcing that I'm pregnant again. It's the boys first Thanksgiving, with us, and I couldn't be more excited. Everyone that was here for last Thanksgiving, except for Casey is coming. Plus the boys will be here. I think it is a little bit ironic that we will be announcing the pregnancy on Thanksgiving again. I get up at 5, because this year I have the boys to take care of, as well as preparing dinner. I make the pies first, but before I'm done, I go get both of the boys and feed them. I place them in their pack and play, in the living room which is right next to the kitchen. Hannah is coming over at 8, to help me. She said that she will take care of the boys and the cooking, while I get dressed. I honestly don't know what I would do without her help today. I make some waffles for Luke and I, then I go wake him up. He comes downstairs, and we eat quickly, then he does the dishes and plays with the boys, while I continue to cook. I hear the doorbell ring, and Luke tells me that he's got it. A minute later, Ryan and Hannah walk into the kitchen. They both give me a hug, and I fix them each some coffee. Ryan goes off to the living room, leaving Hannah and I alone. She goes over and shuts the kitchen door, and I can tell that somethings up, by the look on her face. I finish what I'm doing, and I turn around to face her. I say to her "Okay, what's up hun?" She looks up at me, smiles and says "I'm pregnant" I wrap her up into a hug, and congratulate her. Once we finish our hug, and I smirk at her and say "You wanna know something crazy?' She raises her eyebrows, and I smirk and say "me too" Her eyes go wide, and she hugs me, I laugh and say "How far along?" She says "3 and a half months, how far along are you?" I say "3 months, but it's a secret, we're supposed to announce it at dinner today" She nods her head and says "well, I guess that we're making a joint announcement then" I laugh, and say "I guess we are" She's due in late May, and I'm due in early June, the boys were born on May 25th, so I guess that the boys, and the baby will have their birthdays close together. Hannah tells me that she has things in the kitchen under control, so I can go take a shower, and get ready for dinner. I head upstairs to mine and Luke's room, and go into my closet. I decide that I'm going to wear my royal blue tank top dress, it's not really loose fitting, but oh well. Everyone will know soon that I'm pregnant. I shower quickly, and I blow dry my hair, and straighten it. I put on some cover up, and mascara, then I put on my long gold necklace, and some gold bangles. Then I head downstairs, to help Hannah in the kitchen. I come down the stairs, and I'm on my way into the kitchen, I'm just about out of the living room, when I feel some arms wrap around me, and I stop, and turn around. I give Luke a kiss, and he says to me "You look beautiful" I feel myself blush, he chuckles and kisses me on the cheek, and I walk back into the kitchen to help Hannah. I say to her "How about we call the boys in here, and tell them that we are going to make a joint announcement, that way we can do it at the same time" She nods, and we call Ryan and Luke into the kitchen.

Luke's P.O.V.
Hannah is pregnant too, and we decide that a joint announcement at dinner would be the best plan. I leave Ryan alone with the boys, while I go take a shower. I get out of the shower, and I put on some black dress pants,with my royal blue button down, because I know that Danielle likes it when we match. Once I'm dressed, I head back downstairs. It's now 12:30, and dinner is at 1:30, so people should be arriving soon, my thoughts are interrupted, by the doorbell, well I guess that I was right. I open the door, to reveal Michael, but this year he doesn't have anyone with him. He comes inside, and we shake hands, then he says hi to Ryan, then goes over to see the boys, and then looks up at me and says "Is Danielle in the kitchen?" I nod, and he heads into there.

Michael's P.O.V.
I walk into the kitchen, to find Danielle in a dress, just like last year. I give Hannah a hug, and then Danielle turns around to face me, when she does, I can see the twinkle in her eye, and she has that glow again. Once she pulls me in for a hug, I whisper in her ear "congratulations, how far along are you?" She pulls away, and looks at me, then smiles and says "3 months, how did you know?" I smirk and say "Well, I know you, better than you think I do." She laughs, and I say "by the way, you're going to be seeing a lot more of me, I bought a house down here" She turns back around, smiling at me, and hugs me, while saying "Michael that's great." I hear Luke from behind me "What's great?" we pull apart, and she says "He bought a house in Nashville" Luke says "good for you man, so I guess that means we'll being seeing you a lot more" I nod, and him and I go back into the living room.

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