Chapter Fifty-three

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Danielle's P.O.V.
Spending those two days with Luke, makes me feel better. I feel like we're closer than ever. Which makes me miss him even more than I already do. The boys are all doing great. I spend the whole day with them, everyday. When they take naps, and go to bed, I do my online school work. We've fallen into this routine, which makes me less stressed. Luke's tour is over in three months, then he is off for 5, except for the ocassional show. We will be going with him to those shows. When Luke has his Spring Break shows, we're going to stay in Florida for 10 days, so that way we have a vacation. It will be our first family vacation, I'm pretty excited. It's now like we haven't gone on little "holidays" with the boys, but this will be our first real family vacation. Hannah and Aspen are on their way over right now, she said that she has somthing to talk to me about. I finish feeding Wyatt, and then put him down for his afternoon nap. That means that all of the boys are asleep. I go out to the kitchen, and make myself a sandwich, turn on the radio and sit down to eat. I guess that I turned the radio on at the right time, because I hear them say "Up next is our interview with Luke Bryan" I smile, and finish eating. I start washing the dishes, when I hear the inerview begin. I hear Sam, the host, ask Luke "So how are your wife, and your kids?" He says "Well, I saw Danielle last weekend, she's doing great, and so are the boys, they have to be doing great, since Danielle is taking care of them" I smirk, and keep washing this plate.Then I hear Sam say "Well, that's good to hear, you have four children correct?" Luke says "Yes, Bo, Isaiah, Tate, and Wyatt" He says "well, she must have her hands full, since they're all under two years old, as well as them all being boys" Luke laughs and says "I can only imagine. I know that if it was me, at home trying to do what she does, I couldn't do it." Sam laughs and so does Luke. Then they start talking about Luke's current tour. I finish up the dishes, and text Luke, telling him that I am listening to his interview. I hear Hannah and Aspen come into the house. Aspen is asleep, I tell Hannah to put her in the boys play pen in the living room, so we can talk in the kithcen without waking her up. Hannah and I both are drinking some sweet tea. We talk for a little while, before she sighs and says "Okay, so the thing that I wanted to talk to you about is, that I'm pregnant" I give her a hug, and congratualte her.She has a smile on her face, but that changes quickly, she says "I know that Ryan and I wanted to wait until Aspen was older, but I guess we can't. I haven't told Ryan yet. You're the first person to know other than me" I smile at her and say "well, I know that you guys wanted to wait, but Ryan will be thrilled. He loves babies. You don't have anything to worry about." She smiles at me and says "I was hoping that you would say that" I laugh, and give her a hug.

Luke's P.O.V.
Danielle texted me, saying that she hears me giving my interview. It's an over the phone interview, but little does she know, that I'm actually giving the interview on my way to the airport, to come surprise her at home. I finish the interview, and park my truck, I have a break for a week. I grab my suitcase, and go into the airport. I check in, then go through security. My flight leaves in a half hour, so I decide to call Danielle while I'm waiting. When she answers, she sounds kind of surprised to hear me on the other end. We talk for about 20 minutes, before I tell her that I have soundcheck. She buys it, and we hang up. I board the plane, and we take off within 20 minutes. I should be home in 2 hours. I stay awake for the whole flight, and once we land, I find where Ryan is parked, and he drives me home. I told him that I was going to come home and surprise Danielle, and I asked him to pick me up, so that way she wouldn't suspect anything when his car pulls in the driveway. We talk on the drive, he fills me in on what I've missed, and there's a lot. Michael is getting married next month, but when Ryan tells me that it's on the thrid, I feel like such an ass. I promised Danielle I would be there, but I'm playing a festival that day. Well, this great surprise might not be so great anymore. She's pretty understanding, so I don't think that it will be a problem. Things are easier on me, because she understands tour so well, since she used to be my tour manager. The other girls that I used to date, never understood, what I did. But Danielle is different. One of the many reason why I fell for her, is because she is different. We pull into the driveway, and Danielle's car isn't here, perfect. I can go hide my suitcase in my closet, and once she comes home, I will come downstairs and surprise her.

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