Chapter Thirty-seven

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Danielle's P.O.V.
After my parents go back to their Nashville house with my grandma, and everyone else that's staying goes to the guest rooms, and gets comfy, Luke and I head to our room, and go in the hot tub out on the balcony for about an hour then come back inside and take a shower together. Then climb into bed, and watch a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, because it's on. Once that's over I turn out the tv,and Luke grabs a hunting magazine, and I pull my book out of my night stand to read. We've been quiet for about 20 minutes when Luke says "Danielle, can I ask you something?" I say "of course, what's up?" He says "Today when you were yelling at Michael, why did you say he was jealous? I thought you two were just friends" I sigh and say "Well when Michael and I were teenagers, we had a thing for each other, but we never dated" He nods his head and says "Does he still have a thing for you?" I say "No, obviously not, he's moved on. I mean come on, he has Casey, well, Casey is more of a man,so I guess being rejected by me turned him gay." Luke chuckles. Then we go back to reading. A minute later Luke says "I have another question, it doesn't have to do with Michael" I giggle and say "okay,go for it" he says "when we can find out the gender of the baby, are we going to?" I smile and say "Uhm, yes we will, but we keep it a secret between us, so that way we can do the nursery before the baby is born, but still keep it a surprise" he smiles at me and says "okay, good, because if you wanted it to be a surprise, it was going to kill me. I want to know so bad" I laugh and say "I think it's a boy" He shakes his head and says "Nope, it's a girl" I laugh and say "well we will be able to find out when we go to the next appointment." He smiles and says "Good, I can't wait much longer" I laugh and go back to reading.
(The next morning)
I get up, at about 8, and go downstairs and fix breakfast for everyone. Everybody but Luke is downstairs,so I go wake him up. We all eat breakfast together. Luke and Ryan volunteer to do the dishes, so I ask Hannah if she wants to go shopping with Kandice and I today. She agrees. I tell her that I'm going to go take a shower and get ready to go. She says she has to do the same. Once I get upstairs, I call Kandice and tell her that Hannah is coming with us and that we will be there soon. I get out of the shower, and but on a really loose fitting sweater that covers my baby belly, along with some skinny jeans and my uggs , then I put on some makeup. I go downstairs and kiss Luke goodbye, grab my keys and purse and we head out. Once Hannah and I are in the car I say to her "I really want to apologize for me yesterday at dinner." She laughs and says "Don't worry about it, I would've done the same thing" I laugh and say "I think that we're going to be great friends. Oh and I haven't told Kandice I'm pregnant. I'm going to tell her today. We wanted to tell the family first" she nods her head, and we pull up to the mall. We get out of the car and go into the madness of black friday shopping. We get some Starbucks, and start walking to where we're meeting Kandice. We shop around for 3 hours, which means that it's noon, so we head to the food court and decide on going to Panera. We order, and take a seat. I look at Kandice and say "Kandice" She looks at me with one eyebrow raised and says "Danielle" I smile and just say it "Luke and I are pregnant" Her eyes get big and she squeals a little bit. She looks at me and says "congrats, I'm going to be an aunt." I smile and say "That's right an aunt and a godmother" She smiles and says "Wow two big titles in one day" I laugh and she says "So when do I get to meet my neice or nephew" I say "The end of May" We go back to eating, and once we're done, we head back to shopping. Hannah, Kandice and I get along really well. Usually Ryan doesn't pick good ones, but this time he did.

Luke's P.O.V.
Danielle and Hannah went black friday shopping with Kandice. Danielle is supposed to tell Kandice the big news today. Danielle told me that she wants Kandice to be the god mother, and I agreeded, she said since she picked the godmother, I get to pick the godfather. This is going to be difficult. I have two choices, Ryan or Carter. Ryan and I have grown close, he's like a brother to me. I can see that it means a lot to Danielle that we get along as well as we do.Ryan and I are watching some football when he says to me "hey man, can I ask you a question?" I say "yeah, sure, what's up?" He says "Well, Hannah and I have been together for just over a year now, and I'm thinking about asking her to marry me, how should I do it?" I say "It doesn't matter how you do it, all that matters is that she knows how much you love her, and that you're serious about it" He nods his head and says "Thanks man, I was thinking about going to a jewelry store today and picking out a ring, so I can ask her on Christmas." I say "Well, if you want me to go with you to be on look out for the girls at the mall, I will" He nods and says "okay, thanks man" I say "We can go now if you want, neither one of us like the teams that are playing" We get up, and put on our jackets, and get in my truck and go to the mall. We go into the jewelry store, and I try to keep watch for the girls, but at the same time try to help Ryan pick out a ring, since I've done this, I feel like I can kind of help. He decides on one, and orders it. Since they're coming down for Christmas, I tell him that I will keep it at mine and Danielle's house. He thanks me, and we head back to the house. When we get back, the girls still aren't home. Women and their shopping.We go back to watching football, and Ryan tells me that him and Hannah are looking at houses down here, since they come down here often, plus Danielle and I live here and they will want to see the baby alot. Laurie and Steve are even talking about moving down here, so there is another reason to come down here. He tells me that him and Hannah are actually going to look at a house tomorrow. He wants it to be a surprise for Danielle, because she will be really happy that he's moving down here, she misses him. We drop the subject, when we hear the girls pull in the driveway.

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