Chapter Twenty-seven

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Danielle's P.O.V
He chuckles a little bit, then says "well, I feel like I really need to tell you, that I still love you. For years, our kiss has replayed in my mind. Everytime I walk next to you, I get this urge to hold your hand, I'm so stupid to have gone away. I should've come to Nashville with you, I was such a dick head. I messed with your feelings, then I let you leave. You don't know how many nights I sat there debating whether or not to call you. I was hoping that when I came to find you in Nashville, that you would be single, and that we could pick up where we left off. My heart shattered a little bit when I saw the ring on your finger. Now that I've seen how Luke treats you, I feel better about letting you go. I don't think that I could make you happier than he does, or ever as happy as he does. The smile on your face is practically permanent. For months, on end, I've kicked myself in the ass for not telling you how I felt since the day that I came to find you in Nashville. If I could go back in time, to your last night before you left New York, I wouldn't have let you leave alone. I didn't want to let go of your hand after we walked back to the party. It broke my heart to see you go. I know that you don't think that I saw the tears running down your face when you left, but I did. I hate myself for being the reason that you were crying. I will never forgive myself." Well, to be honest I wasn't expecting him to say that to me. He has great timing, and sure as hell knows how to complicate things even more. I grab his hand, to give him a reassuring squeeze,then I say to him "Michael, I need to tell you something." He looks up at me with glossy eyes, and I say "The day that I left, I cried so hard. Harder than I have ever cried in my entire life.Once I got half way to Nashville, I stopped at a hotel. I looked at flights to go home, I had bought a ticket to go home, I was going to come back for you. Only you. I was willing to give up my dream for you.But I got to the airport and changed my mind. I felt that you could do better, and that you would find someone better. So I turned around and drove the rest of the way to Nashville. I stayed single until I met Luke, I was waiting for you. I eventually gave up, I was convinved that you weren't going to come and find me. Four years I didn't hear a word from you. FOUR FUCKING YEARS MICHAEL!" I screamed the last part at him, I couldn't take it anymore, I started to cry right there. I feel his arms wrap around me, his touch sends shocks of electricty through out my body. It sends a whole zoo to my stomach, not just butterflies, a whole zoo. I know that people have to be staring and taking pictures if they know who I am engaged to. I don't care. After a while I run out of tears, and I pull away. To see Michael crying.

Luke's P.O.V.
Things start to heat up between me and this girl, I think she said her name was Zoey. Who the hell cares, I'm going to get laid. She grabs my hand, and leads me out of the bar, she hails a taxi and gives the driver directions, to her place I'm assuming. I haven't been able to take my hands off of her this whole ride. Finally we get to her apartment buiding, and we make out through out the whole elevator ride. We get off at her floor, once she unlocks her door, I push her up against the wall, and continue to kiss her while I remove her clothes. She takes mine off of me. Then she leads me to a room that I'm assuming is her bedroom. Things continue from there..... The next morning. I'm awakened by light pouring in through a window. I open my eyes, and I don't have a clue where I am. It's not my bus or hotel room. I look down to find some girl with her head on my chest, she's looking up at me, smiling. She leans up and plants a kiss on my lips and says "I'll go make us some breakfast Lukie" She gets out of bed, and she's naked. She slips on my shirt, then leaves the room. I think to myself, what the fuck did you do last night Luke?

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