Chapter Thirty-five

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(Thanksgiving Day, {3 and a half months later})
Danielle's P.O.V.
Today Luke and I are going to tell our families that we're expecting. I got up at 6 this morning, to start getting everything ready. I took a shower, and put on a loose fitting dark red dress, that falls down to about knee length, there is an open back that goes into the shape of a v. I have on some red flats to match, with some silver earrings, and I curled my hair. There are going to be 16 people over here for dinner, 18 total counting Luke and I. The first thing I do is make the pies. A choclate pie, then an apple pie, and a pumpkin pie. After those are all cooked, it's about 9, I hear Luke come downstairs. He fixes himself some coffee, then come over to me, and gives me a good morning kiss. Then he crotches down, and kisses my stomach, and places a hand on my bump and says "Hey little baby, it's your dad, happy thanksgiving" I smile at him, and tell him how cute that was. He talks to the baby every morning and every night. As Luke is standing up, I feel something. I turn to Luke, and he looks at me and says "Hunny, what's wrong?" I feel it again so I grab his hand and place it on my stomach. I say "Talk again" He does as I say, and it happens again. He looks up at me with his eyes wide. "The baby kicked.THE BABY JUST KICKED" I laugh,and nod my head yes, and say "Well, he or she really likes it when their daddy talks." He laughs and says "I guess so." I ask him "What do you want for breakfast?" He says "Uhm, some eggs and toast" I nod my head and say "Coming right up" I make that and give it to him. He gives me a kiss, and I go back to preparing dinner. Luke has to move the turkey for me, because it's like 30 pounds. Once I get everything set in the kitchen, I tell Luke to get the leaves for the dining room table, so we can make it big enough for everyone to sit at. I set the table, and then go check on the food. It's 12, so people should be getting here soon. Luke is getting dressed. Since everything in the kitchen is all set, I go into the bathroom, to do my makeup. I feel someone looking at me a few minutes after I start my makeup. I turn around and say "Can I help you?" He says "Yes,actually you can. There's this really pretty girl who happens to be my wife and she thinks she needs to wear makeup but she really doesn't." I laugh, and go give him a kiss. I say "Well, it's a holiday, and there are people coming over so i want to look nice" He shakes his head and says "Well, you look gorgeous without it" I smile at him and I say "Hey, your shirt matches my dress" He laughs and says "I planned it" I smile at him go back to what I'm doing so I can take care of dinner.

Luke's P.O.V.
Today is Thanksgiving. Danielle and I are going to tell our families that she is pregnant. I hear her alarm go off, so I know it's 6. She slips out of my grasp, trying not to wake me, but I'm already awake. She takes a shower, then I hear her go into her closet. She's in there for a while, then I hear her come out, and exit our room. I fall back asleep, and when I wake up it's about 9, so I get up and take a shower. Once I get out, I only put on some boxers, so that way I don't have to worry about getting anything on my nice clothes for today. I go down the stairs, walk through the living room and into the kitchen. I stop in the door way, and lean up against the frame, I watch Danielle in the kitchen. She has a dress on, and is in the zone, she didn't even hear me come in the room. I smile at the sight of her standing there preparing Thanksgiving dinner for our family. I walk closer to her, and she turns around, to give me a quick kiss. She asks me what I want for breakfast, I tell her, and she makes it for me. I eat my breakfast in the living room, so I'm not in her way. Once I'm done, I go out to the kitchen, and do the dishes from my breakfast, as well as the ones that Danielle is done using. So that way there isn't a lot to do later. I help her set up the table for dinner, and I go get dressed. I wear a dark red button down shirt, with black dress pants, and my black boots. I decided it would be cute if Danielle and I are matching, for when we take pictures later. I come downstairs, and she isn't in the kitchen so I head to the bathroom, I lean up against the wall, in the bathroom, and just watch Danielle put her makeup on. She isn't showing that much, but a little bit. I can tell that she's pregnant, since I spend everyday with her. I tell her that she doesn't need to wear makeup. She tells me that she just wanted to look pretty, for when company gets here. I tell her that she looks gorgeous without it. She goes back to putting on her makeup. Once she's done, I pull a box out of my pocket and say, "This is for you" She gives me a confused look, and I say "Open it" She opens the box, and her eyes light up once she sees it. It's a square shape diamond necklace. It's really simple, and when I saw it, I had to get it for her. She turns around, and I take it out of the box, and unclasp it, as she pulls her hair all to the front. I put it around her neck and clip it. She says "Luke I love it" I smile, and she leans up to give me a kiss. As we pull away, we hear the doorbell and exchange a look. I say "Are you ready?" She nods her head, and we head to the door to answer it together.

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