I forgot what your smile looks like

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Rap monster walked into the room where min hee was crying In. He grabbed her hand that was holding the chair. He pulled a chair out for her as he sat down next to that chair.

" Sit. I want to talk to you." Rap monster said patting the chair.

She looked at him for a while before sitting down.

" Why are you crying? I'm starting to forget how your smile looks like." Rap monster said looking at her.

" Rap monster give me 2 weeks to prove myself... I promise I won't self harm and I won't fight back ..." She said looking down.

" Why are you always talking about leaving?" Rap monster asked. " You know up till you self harmed I kept thinking of ways to keep you here longer.. Thinking I could fix our friendship." He said looking at her.

" Right now.. I want to be far from you guys to have some time to think for myself. You could ask me any question right now about the future and I wouldn't know what to tell you." Min hee said as she let out a sigh.

" How about you stop focusing on the future, and let's work on fixing this." Rap monster said looking at her.

" It's too broken to be fixed. I don't think I'll ever forgive you guys." Min hee said getting up.

Before she could leave Rap monster grabbed her arm. " How about Jhope. The same blood runs through both of your veins."

" There's a difference his is cold and mine isn't." Min hee said trying to pull her arm away from him.

" What will your dad do if he sees both of his kids like this." Rap monster pointed out.

" Please let me go." Min hee said not looking at him straight in the eye.

" Min hee you don't understand that you're safe here." Rap monster said looking at her.

" Those are just excuses-" Min hee started but there was a loud knocking sound. Min hee looked at Rap monster and ran out the door. Rap monster ran after her and tackled her down. He tried to drag her back to the room before someone saw her.

Jhope opened the door. " What are you doing here?"

" Where's Min hee?" Hyun ki asked.

" Hyun ki?!" Min hee yelled from the other room.

" What was that?!" Hyun ki asked pushing his way in.

" Get out before I throw you out." Jhope said as he clutched his fist.

" I'd like to see you try." Hyun ki said as he continued to look for min hee.

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