Where is Min hee and Jimin ?

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J hope and the rest went to class with the food. Min hee wasn't there and neither was Jimin.

" do you think their talking about their problems ?" Jin asked.

" hopefully. " Suga said his mouth full of chips.

" do you think we should go look for them ? Just in case they're fighting. " Rap monster asked.

" Let's give them some time." J hope said taking a sip from his drink.

The boys ate their snacks and fooled around. Soon lunch came around and Min hee or Jimin were no where to be found.

" I think it's time to look for them." J hope said.

" I will go with Jin and V and find Jimin." Suga told J hope.

J hope nodded and the group split up.

" Jung Kook where does Min hee usually hang out ? " J hope asked.

" On the rooftop , library or with Hyun Ki." Jung kook said.

" mmm okay Rap monster you search the library and Jung kook you look at the roof top and I'll look aroun the school. We'll check with Hyun Ki last. " J hope told them.

The boys nodded and headed out to find Min hee. Rap monster walked up the stairs to the library. He looked around the whole library twice and didn't see a sign of her. He went to the front and asked for her. The librarian had no idea what he was talking about.


Jung kook went up the stairs to the rooftop. He opened the door and looked around. He saw no trace of her being there. He looked around in the roof too and didn't find her. He walked back down the stairs.

J hope walked around the school looking at places she might be. He didn't find her. He was hoping she is okay. He just found her and thought of loosing her made him sick. He couldn't find any trace. He walked to the bottom of the steps to meet up with Rap monster and Jung kook.

" Did you find anything ? " he asked hopefully.

They both shook their heads.

" okay let's go see Hyun Ki." J hope said heading to Hyun Ki hang out.

Once they got there they saw Dak ho and Jing Sung.

" Hey do you not remember this is our place ?" Dak ho said standing up.

" Where is Min hee ?" Rap monster asked.

" The girl ? She hasn't come around here lately." Jin sung Anwsered.

" You're lying !" J hope yelled.

" Why are you so interested in this girl anyways." Dak ho asked smirking.

" she's my little sister. Now tell me where she is." J hope answered.

" We already told you she hasn't come around here in a while." Jin sung Anwsered firmly.

" She was last seen with Hyun Ki." Jung kook said looking at them balling his fist.

" And do you see Hyun Ki here ?" Dak ho said turning around.

J hope grabbed Dak Ho shirt. Jing Sung stood up in alert. Rap monster and Jung kook stopped him,

" She better be okay or you'll pay." J hope said still holding on to his shirt.

Then someone pushed J hope off Dak Ho.
J hope looked over and saw Hyun Ki and Taewoo.

" What are you doing right now ?" Hyun Ki asked.

" where is my sister ?" J hope asked getting fustrated.

" I don't know." Hyun Ki said.

" she was last seen with you !" Jung kook yelled annoyed.

" The last time I saw her was before first class. She was in tears because Jimin yelled at her again. When she ran out of tears she said she wa better and she went to class. She didn't and I didn't realize it till a hour ago. I have been looking or her. " Hyun Ki said sitting down.

" Okay. " J hope said turning to leave.

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