I have a oppa ?

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J- hope walked in Jung kooks room. He walked to the bed to wake him up and ask him a question. He saw min hee all snuggled up against his chest. Jung had his arm around her and his face in her hair. J-hope walked to the stereo and blasted a song. They both jumped up.

" Turn it off !" Jung kook whined and threw his pillow at him

J- hope obeyed. He grabbed Min hee and pulled her out. He pulled her out the house and on to the road.

" Just what do you think you're doing ?" J hope asked her.

" what am I doing ?" Min hee asked.

By then Jung kook was standing at the entrance of the house. The rest of the group was walking towards them they stopped as they heard min hee and Jung kook arguing.

" you have Jimin. You don't need to go after Jung kook. You'll break both of them." J hope said.

" I broke away from Jimin. I don't care what he does !" Min hee yelled.

" Then what about Jung kook ? You care about him don't you ? You don't want to see him hurting. " j hope replied.

Min hee looked at Jung kook.

" J hope you wouldn't understand how I feel in here." She said patting her heart.

" I would if you told me." J hope said taking a step towards her.

" J hope ... I know you're watching out for me as a chingu and I'm thankful for it. Worry about yourself cause you're not really my oppa. " min hee said instantly regretting what she had said.

The nosy neighbor walked up to them.

" what are you doing here ? Leave us alone." J-hope yelled in annoyance.

" is that any way to treat a elder. I know a secret about you two that you don't." The lady said smirking.

" please continue. " Min hee said looking at her.

" you two are brother and sister." She said looking at both of them. Smirking at the confusing in their eyes.

" stop playing around." Min hee replied.

" go ask your parents. " the lady said looking at Min hee in the eye.

" We will and if you're lying you'll regret it." J-hope said grabbing Min hee arm.

On the way to Min hee house J-hope called his mom to meet him at her house. He hung up. Min hee slammed the door opened.Her dad jumped a little.

" Why are you - " He automatically stopped when he saw J hope.

Then J hopes mom ran through the door. She stopped as she saw Min hee holding J hopes arm. Both with tears in there eyes.

" Jung ho Seok. " Their dad whispered.

" Ho Seok lets go now." His mom said turning around.

" That's all both of you can say ? I have a oppa and you kept it from us ! You kept it from me !" Min hee said looking at her dad.

" Ho Seok lets go." His mother said with a firm voice.

" Aniyo ! Not until you explain what's happening here." J-hope said pulling Min hee closer.

" Min hee I'll tell you the story , but you won't like it. I hate being the one that has to tell you this." Mr.lee started.

" when I was ending my college I loved mrs. Jung. She was my love. One day we went a step further and decided to do those disgusting things. Then when did it for the 3rd time we found out Mrs. Jung was pregnant with Ho Seok. We were very happy. Then my friend was having a party at a club mad we were invited. I thought it would be best if mrs.jung stayed home since she was pregnant I didn't want her to get hurt . I went to the club and gave the present to the birthday girl witch was your mom Min hee. She had had feelings for me for 2 years and she did all these horrible things to Mrs.jung my feelings changed and I hated her. She offered me a drink. I didn't realize the drink had drugs in it. I thought your mother had changed, but turns out she hasn't she still hasn't changed. So we did that disgusting things since I was drugged I didn't know what I was doing. So it turned out Mrs. Kim was pregnant with Min hee. Then Mrs. Jung dumped me and left me heart broken. Then Mrs. Kim decided to move in. So I wanted to be there for you Ho Seok but your mother didn't want you anywhere near you. Min hee I'm sorry you heard it till now." Mr. Lee said looking down.

Min hee let go of J hope. She walked to face Mrs. Jung.

" Mrs. Jung I'm sorry for all the bad my umma did to you and J hope oppa. I'm sorry to death." Min hee said running out.

" Min hee !" J-hope yelled running out after her. She was too far away.

Jimin who was on the oak tree watching jumped off and followed her. Min hee ran from street to street till she got to a suju place. She started drinking. Jimin watched her sit and drink. When he decided it was enough for her, he decided to go help her.
Jimin grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

" yah ! Let me go !" Min hee screamed .

" you're over the top drunk ! Let's go !" Jimin yelled at her.

" Aniya ! I'm not going anywhere with you !" Min hee yelled getting free from his grasp.

He ran after her and grabbed her by her waist. He picked her and threw her over his shoulder.

" Let go of me !! Park Jimin !! Yah ! " Min hee said slapping his back.

" you better stop or you'll regret it." Jimin said in a scary firm voice.

Min hee stopped and gave up. They soon arrived at min hee house. He put her down. She looked at him and walked inside.

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