The day I finally get to see you again

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Min hee and her friend loved to play by the oak tree when they were little. Min hee had to meet her friend Jimin at the tree today at 6. It was 6:20 and she hadn't arrived yet. She ran to the tree. She found Jimin sitting on the tree.

" Jimin I'm here." Min hee said breathless

" Yah ! Where were you ? I waited for you. " He said as he faced the other way.

Min hee climbed up the tree. She wrapped her hands around him.

" Mian I didn't mean to be late. I promise this won't happen again. Please tell me what you had to tell me." Min hee pleaded.

Jimin turned around and kissed her in the lips. Min hee eyes widen. She lost her first kiss to Jimin.

" yah ! You stole my first kiss." Min hee said touching her lips.

Jimin chuckled.

" Min hee I really really really like you." He said grabbing her hand.

" Jimin ... I like you too."

" Jinja ?! "He said as he hugged her and smiled.

She hugged him back. They pulled away.

" Min hee lets go. We are going to the store to buy some stuff. " Mrs.lee told her daughter.

Min hee nodded. She waved goodbye to Jimin. Jimin waved bye. Min Hee smiled and got in the car. when she got in the car the smile her mother had, had disappeared.

" Your appa doesn't want us at that house. He told me to leave." Mrs.lee said.

" Ohhh let me tell Jimin so he won't be worried. Let talk to appa." Min hee said trying to get out the car.

" ANI! You know how that might hurt my pride. The kid is a direct line to the mother." Mrs.lee yelled.

" Ani umma if I tell Jimin not to tell he won't." Min hee said looking out.

" LEE MIN HEE !!!! I said no ! And I mean it !!!" Mrs. Lee said starting the car.

" Umma ? " Min hee said not knowing what to say.

" I don't see what you see in him anyways. He is a bad influence." Mrs. Lee said driving out the parking lot.

" UMMA !!!! Don't talk about Jimin that way ! You don't know him like i do ! " Min hee yelled at her mother.

" Such a shame you might never see him again." Mrs. Lee said driving away.

She said as she started the car. They soon arrived at the apartment. Min hee took her suitcase and picked a room. She left her suitcase by the closet. She laid down on the bed and cried herself to sleep. After that day her mother became self centered and alcoholic.

************ 5 WEEKS LATER ********

Jimin walked to Min Hee door steps. Everyday for 5 weeks he stood by the oak tree for a hour. She hadn't come to school. Every time he knocked on the door no one answered. He lifted his hand and knocked on her door. Her father walked out. Jimin smelled the alcohol.

"Sir. Is Min hee home ?" Jimin asked hopefully.

. ". She left. Her mother took her. Me and her mother had a argument and she took my only child." Mr. Lee

Jimin backed away, Shaking his head. He tripped on the step and fell backwards. He ran to the oak tree. He sat on the branch where he took Min Hee first kiss.

>>>>>>>>>>> 6 YEARS LATER <<<<<<<<<<<<

Finally the day Min hee was waiting for came. The day she gets to leave her mother. Her and her mother never got along. She was going to leave and live with her father for a few years.

Min hee walked Into the café. She had completed her last day at her school. She ordered bubble tea and chocolate chip cookie. She was walking back to her table when someone accidentally pushed her cause her to fall and her drink to spill all over her.

" I'm so sorry. " He said as he held his hand out.

Min hee stood up. The boy took off his school blazer and wraps it around her.

" My name is Jung Ho Seok, but on the streets they call me J-hope." J hope said kindly.

" My name is Lee Min Hee. You can call me Mina or Min hee as most of my friends call me." Min hee said.

" So Min Hee you can find a table while I buy you a new drink. " J-hope

Min hee nodded. She sat down and looked at him. He has a white long sleeved shirt with a tie and black jeans with chains hooked on.he had light brown hair. He was pretty tall. He looked around her age. He walked back with two drinks. She took a sip of her drink.

" what school do you go to ?" J- hope asked.

" Well today was my last day at the school I'm going to now. I'm going to Seoul arts high school. " Min hee said taking another sip.

" Jinja ?! I go to that school. There are a lot of people that would love to mess with you, just stick with me and it should all be fine." J - hope said pointing to himself.

. "Sure." Min hee said glad she met someone.

". I have to get going." J-hope said looking at the time.

" Same here." Min hee said.

She said she she handed him his blazer. They both got on the bus. Soon they came to her stop and j-hope got off too.

" Do you live here ?" Min hee asked a little surpised.

" I live right there." He said pointing to it.

" Jinja that's next to my house." Min hee asked surprised.

J-hope walked in his house. Min hee walked to the oak tree.

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