Twist and turns

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Min hee grabbed her bag. She walked out the classroom and turned to jimin.

" you don't have to take me home. I can go back by myself." Min hee said trying to push past him.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
" No. I'm taking you home."

Min hee looked down and walked past him. He followed her. They walked out the school. They had missed the bus so they had to walk home. Jimin noticed a man in all black following them. Jimin made a right and left turn to confirm if he was really following them.

" Jimin you're going the wrong way." Min hee said turning back.

Jimin grabbed her arm and pulled her down the street.

" Ow !! Jimin let me go right now !!" Min hee said fighting his grip.

His grip around her wrist tighten as he dragged her down the street.

" Jimin stop !!! Where are you taking me ? "Min hee yelled slapping his arm.

Jimin pulled her towards him. He wrapped his arms around her waist. She punched his chest. He grabbed her Arms.

" we're being followed. Shut up and follow me." He whispered in her ear.

Min hee looked behind him and saw the man in black. Jimin grabbed her arm and lead her down the streets. They made so many turns that Min hee had no idea where she was. She saw lots of symbols on the walls. Tattooed men looked at her and smirked. She walked closer to Jimin. He made a right. As they walked in the dimmed lite alley way they realized it had a dead end.

Jimin turned to Min hee. " if anything happens to me run to safety."

Min hee shook her head. " ani .."

" you have to." He whispered.

Min hee realized what was about to happen. She saw the man in black come out of the shadows.

" why have you been following us ?" Jimin asked.

" You and the rest of BTS should know why. You should know the rules by now. When you break into someone's territory and kill it's only fair if that same happens to you right ?" That man asked chuckling he held out his gun and pointed it at Jimins head.

" Then you should know that there are no rules." Jimin said looking ah the mans face.

The man put his finger on the trigger.

" ANIYO." Min hee yelled throwing her book bag at the mans face.

He looked furiously at Min hee and pointed the gun at her. She stood frozen as the tears flowed down her face. Jimin grabbed Min hee arm and pushed her on the other side of the man. Jimin pouched the man in the face , causing him to drop his gun. Min hee crawled to pick up the gun. She put kicked on the side by the man. Jimin grabbed him and pulled him back. He punched Jimin on the face repeatly. Jimin pushed him off of him. Jimin kicked his side side. Jimin pouched him till he thought he had enough.

Jimin looked over and saw Min hee on the floor in pain. He bent over and picked her up. He walked out the alley and back to his house. It was dark already. Jimin hoped to make it before the rest. When he made it to the neighborhood jimin tried to sneak around in the shadows to get home.

" Jimin ! "

Jimin knew who's voice that was. He turned and saw V behind him. He stepped closer and saw Jimins beat up face and a unconscious Min hee.

" what happened ?" V asked.

" We got followed ..." Jimin said looking down.

" did you tell the others ?" V asked.

" Ani ... " jimin said still holding Min hee.

" Go cure Min hee and I'll tell the rest. " v said heading the other direction.

Jimin walked in the house hoping his mother would be sleeping. She was waiting in the living room. She stood up when she saw him walk through the door.

" What happened to your face ?" She said touching his face.

He pulled away. " nothing that won't cure over time." He gave her a smile.

" who is this girl ?" She said looking closely at her.

" ... Min hee." Jimin said looking at his mother.

" Min hee the one that left you ?" His mother said raising a eye brow.

Jimin nodded. " I'm going to put her down on my bed." He said turning to leave.

He put her down on his bed. He cleaned her leg. He put medicine on it and bandaged it. He lifted her shirt up half way up. She had a huge bruise on her side where he got kicked. He put medicine on it. He put down her shirt and threw his blanket on her. He walked outside and saw the group sitting on the couches. When they saw him J hope stood up.

" where is Min hee ?" He asked worried.

" She scraped her knee and got kicked in the side. " he said looking down.

" how did this happen ?" Jung kook asked.

" I was making sure she didn't get shot." Jimin said.

" Fuck. What are we going to tell her now ? " Rap monster looking down frustrated.

" the truth. Cause of what happened today she'll ask and if don't tell her she'll assume." Suga said getting up.

" How do you think she'll take it ?" Jin asked.

" there's only two ways she'll take it. She'll completely freak out or she won't." V said getting up.

" how about we let her ask about it first." J hope added.

" let's just discuss it tomorrow."


Total random author note:
how are you guys ? You guys better be heathy and not die on me !! 😂😂😂
Anyways continue voting and commenting. Hope you like the story !! Oh and did you notice the new cover ? Yeah my friend made it for me. You've more than likely read one of her stories. Like wolf and love like oxygen.

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