Im sorry im late.

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Min hee put on a peach top , and some jeans, and brown combat boots. She braided her hair and fixed her bangs. She grabbed her purse and walked out. She soon arrived at the coffee shop where she met J- hope. She waited for them by the door. Then after 20 minutes she went and sat down at the table. She texted them and no respond. She waited for 20 more minutes. She sighed and got up. She walked out. Then someone came from behind and back hugged her. Min hee turned her head. It was Jung kook. His head was leaned against her neck, while his arms were around her waist.

" I'm ...I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Min hee please don't be .. Mad. I'm ...sorry." He said breathing hard.

Min hee didn't say anything. She stood there. He didn't let go of her. He kept apologizing to her. She didnt have any words to say. They stood like that for What seemed hours. Jimin and Jin walked down the streets. Jimin stopped and looked at them.

" It seems likes Min hee and Jung kook have a thing right ?" Jimin said turning to leave.

Jin looked at then. He turned and looked at Jimin.

" lets go together Jimin !! " Jin yelled running after them.

Min hee pulled away. She looked at Jung kook.

" I'm not mad oppa, but you to treat me to something yummy. " Min hee said smiling.

" Fine you pick the place I'll pay. " Jung kook told her.

Min hee grabbed his hand and walked down the streets.

" Where are you taking me ?" Jung kook asked her.

" To the best cake shop in the city. I would come here all the time with Ji- ... With a friend.." Min hee answered.

They soon arrived at the cake shop. Min hee walked in dragging Jung kook behind her.

" Lee Min hee is that you ?" The store owner asked looking at her.

" Ne. Mrs. Jung ?" Min hee asked.

" You do remember. This isn't Jimin unless my memory is bad. " Mrs. Jung asked.

" Park Jimin ? The boy that lives in neighborhood a few streets down ?" Jung kook asked.

" Ne. You are ?" Mrs.Jung asked.

" Jung kook. " he replied.

" Your very handsome. I ship it !" Mrs.Jung clapped.

" Haha no he's probably not interested." Min hee said putting a sad face on.

Jung kook picked her and spun her around. Then he put her down, and put his hands around her.

" Who says ?" Jung kook asked pulling her closer.

" Aww you guys are so cute !! Are you dating ?" Mrs.Jung asked.

" Ani. " Min hee answered.

" I ship it ! You guys should go out." Mrs.Jung advised them.

" We'll see. " Jung kook replied.

" Well we came for your yummy baking. " Min hee said.

" Well go get in line. " Mrs. Jung said heading to the back to check on her bakers.

Min hee grabbed Jung kook and dragged him to the line. Once they were seated and had ordered Jung Kook looked at her.

" How long have you known Jimin ... Honestly. " Jung kook said looking at her.

" Well since I was 7 .... When I was 10 a month after my birthday Jimin asked me to meet at the oak tree. So I did. There he confessed his feelings. I accepted them. Then my Umma came and lied to me saying we were food shopping. I got in the car and my mom took me away , not allowing me to contact Jimin. Then I finally return and find Jimin. It seems like he doesn't want anyone to know cause he pretends I don't exist. " Min hee said smiling.

" If you want I can talk to him ..." Jung kook asked playing with his fingers.

" Ani .. I'm working on that. Please keep this between us. " Min hee asked him.

Jung kook nodded and smiled. Then they're slices of cake came. They ate and Jung kook paid. Jung Kook grabbed Min hee hand and dragged her towards the bus stop.

" Where are we going oppa ?" Min hee asked him.

" Umm to play a round of basketball. " Jung kook told her as they got in the bus.

They sat in a seat together. Jung kook put his arm around her. She looked up at him and smiled. They soon arrived at the park.

" Last one to the basket ball court has to buy the winner ice cream !!" She yelled as she ran away.

Jung kook laughed and chased after her. Jung kook was so busy looking at Min hee run, he didn't notice the bike rider yelling at him. Then the bike rider crashed into him. Min hee turned and saw Jung kook smushed. The bike rider was on top of him and his legs were tangled up in the bike. Her eyes widen. She ran to him. She couldn't help laughing at him. The round male got off Jung kook. He turned to min hee.

" Is he your chingu ?" The male said pointing to Jung kook.

Min hee giggled and nodded.

" Here is my number and I want your chingu to repay the damage to my bike." The Male said turning to leave.

Min hee bent down and looked at Jung kook.

" Are you okay ?" Min hee said helping him up.

" Ne. You don't have to worry." He smiled.

" Wait you can't be sure." Min hee said.

Me smiled and took a step. He stumbled and Min hee caught him.

" See told you , you need help. Let's walk you to a bench and check okay ?" Min hee said putting his arm around her.

He looked at her.

" Here lean on me." Min hee said looking at him.

Jung kook looked at her and obeyed her. She walked him to a bench. She looked at him leg.

" Your bleeding." She lifted his pants.

She looked at his arms and hands. He scraped himself on his elbow and knee and twisted his ankle.

" Oppa you hurt yourself pretty badly." Min hee said helping him up as it starting raining a lot.

" Go ahead and catch the bus before it leaves I'll walk." Jung kook said pushing her away.

" How are you planning on walking with a twisted Ankle. Forget it I'm walking with you. I can't see anything farther then you anyways." Min Hee said trying to look through the rain.

The day I finally get to see you (Bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now